class CameraControl

Camera controlling window.


CameraControl - ToolWindow

Public Fields

[more]SigC::Signal1<void, int> mode_set
Signal is emitted when the mode buttons were pressed.
[more]CoordEntry camera_Gtk_CoordEntry
Entry boxes with information about the camera.
[more]CoordEntry lookat_Gtk_CoordEntry
Entry boxes with information about the camera.
[more]CoordEntry up_Gtk_CoordEntry
Entry boxes with information about the camera.
[more]CoordEntry light_Gtk_CoordEntry
Entry boxes with information about the camera.

Public Methods

[more] CameraControl()

Inherited from ToolWindow:

Public Fields

oGtk::ToggleButton main_button
ochar active

Public Methods

ovoid set_active(gboolean state)
ovirtual int delete_event_impl(GdkEventAny* event)


Camera controlling window. This window consists of severel CoordEntries that show the current camera stats, and two buttons which select the mouse modes available from the GenericViewer.
oSigC::Signal1<void, int> mode_set
Signal is emitted when the mode buttons were pressed. The integer argument tells which mode was selected.

oCoordEntry camera_Gtk_CoordEntry
Entry boxes with information about the camera.

oCoordEntry lookat_Gtk_CoordEntry
Entry boxes with information about the camera.

oCoordEntry up_Gtk_CoordEntry
Entry boxes with information about the camera.

oCoordEntry light_Gtk_CoordEntry
Entry boxes with information about the camera.

o CameraControl()

This class has no child classes.

Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes

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