class FractParams

Fractal parameters class.

Public Fields

[more]pm polyMethod
which method is used for polygonization
[more]double xMin
drawing box lower boundary of x coord
[more]double yMin
drawing box lower boundary of y coord
[more]double zMin
drawing box lower boundary of z coord
[more]double xMax
drawing box upper boundary of x coord
[more]double yMax
drawing box upper boundary of y coord
[more]double zMax
drawing box upper boundary of z coord
[more]double step
step size used for rendering the julia set
[more]int maxiter
maximal iterations done to test convergence
[more]double bailout
if the abs is greater than bailout after maxiter iterations the sequence is supposed to diverge
[more]Quat C
the quaternion number in the iteration function f(q) = q^2 + C


Fractal parameters class. This class acts as a container of some options, parameters concerning the fractal drawing.
opm polyMethod
which method is used for polygonization

odouble xMin
drawing box lower boundary of x coord

odouble yMin
drawing box lower boundary of y coord

odouble zMin
drawing box lower boundary of z coord

odouble xMax
drawing box upper boundary of x coord

odouble yMax
drawing box upper boundary of y coord

odouble zMax
drawing box upper boundary of z coord

odouble step
step size used for rendering the julia set

oint maxiter
maximal iterations done to test convergence

odouble bailout
if the abs is greater than bailout after maxiter iterations the sequence is supposed to diverge

oQuat C
the quaternion number in the iteration function f(q) = q^2 + C

This class has no child classes.

Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes

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