Desribes a wapoint on the camera flight path.
Public Fields
double time
- Time at which the Camera should arrive during its flight.
double x4
- Our quaternion space is 4D, so the waypoint has an additional coordinate.
SigC::Signal1<int, double> x4_update
- Signal which is emitted when x4 has changed.
SigC::Signal1<int, double> time_update
- Signal which is emitted when the time has changed.
Public Methods
- Constructor.
int set_time(double p)
- Set the time.
int set_x4(double p)
- Set the forth coordinate
Public Fields
Vector3 pos
Vector3 lookat
Vector3 up
SigC::Signal1<int, Vector3> pos_update
SigC::Signal1<int, Vector3> lookat_update
SigC::Signal1<int, Vector3> up_update
Public Methods
int set_pos(Vector3 p)
int set_lookat(Vector3 p)
int set_up(Vector3 p)
SpaceStats get_stats()
Desribes a wapoint on the camera flight path. Is derived from SpaceEntity,
so it has position and orientation information, and additionaly some
waypoint specific information like time and a forth coordinate.
- Waypoint()
- Constructor.
- double time
- Time at which the Camera should arrive during its flight.
- double x4
- Our quaternion space is 4D, so the waypoint has an additional coordinate.
- int set_time(double p)
- Set the time.
- int set_x4(double p)
- Set the forth coordinate
- SigC::Signal1<int, double> x4_update
- Signal which is emitted when x4 has changed.
- SigC::Signal1<int, double> time_update
- Signal which is emitted when the time has changed.
- This class has no child classes.
Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes
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