
What are graphs?

Mathematical Structures that consist of n vertices and m edges

G=(V , E)

Graph with 5 vertices and 6 edges

Edges can be directed or undirected

Undirected graphs can be depicted without arrows or with arrows in both directions

Directed graphs are depicted with arrows

Graphs can be written as adjacency lists

  • Adjacent vertices of each vertex are stored in the same row
  • Adjacency list format used for practical: Metis
Directed graph with numbered vertices
n m5 6
12 5
Adjacency list in Metis format
(right column)

Why visualize graphs?

  • Graphs are everywhere
    • Road networks
    • Social networks
    • Routing networks
    • etc.
  • Visualizing graphs can
    • Reveal important informationˆ
    • Help debugging graph algorithmsˆ
    • Be used for educational purposes