

Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* This file is part of the Kiretu, a Kinect reconstruction tutor.
00002  * 
00003  *
00004  * 
00005  * The code ist licensed to you under the terms of the GNU General Public 
00006  * License, version 2.0. See the GPL2 file for the text of the license or the 
00007  * following URL:
00008  * 
00009  *
00010  * 
00011  * If you redistribute this file in source form, modified or unmodified, you
00012  * have to leave this header intact and distribute it under the same terms with 
00013  * the GPL2 file.
00014  * 
00015  * Binary distributions must follow the binary distribution requirements of
00016  * the License.
00017  * 
00018  */
00020 /** \file CloudWriter.h
00021  * 
00022  * Header file of the CloudWriter-class.
00023  * 
00024  * \author      Daniel Wunderlich (
00025  * \version     0.8
00026  * \date        2011-01-26
00027  */
00029 #include <vector>
00030 #include <string>
00031 #include <cstring>
00032 #include <fstream>
00033 #include <iostream>
00034 #include <ctime>
00037 /** \class  CloudWriter 
00038  *  \brief  C++-class which saves a point-cloud of Microsoft's Kinect to a 
00039  *          ply-file. It supports per-vertex-color and the ability of mirroring 
00040  *          the cloud along x-, y- and z-axis. It is also possible to export 
00041  *          the points which don't have an corresponding color at the RGB-image 
00042  *          in a custom color.
00043  *  
00044  *  \author     Daniel Wunderlich (
00045  *  \version    0.8
00046  *  \date       2011-01-26
00047  */
00048 class CloudWriter {
00050     public:
00052 /** \brief Constructor of the CloudWriter-class.
00053  *  
00054  *  \param  filenamePrefix  Prefix of filename.
00055  */ 
00056         CloudWriter(const std::string filenamePrefix);
00058 /** \brief Destructor of the CloudWriter-class.
00059  */ 
00060         ~CloudWriter();
00063 /** \brief  Mirror-possibilities of CloudWriter. 
00064  */
00065         enum CloudMirror
00066         {
00067             MIRROR_X,       /**< Mirror along x-axis */
00068             MIRROR_Y,       /**< Mirror along y-axis */
00069             MIRROR_Z        /**< Mirror along z-axis */
00070         };
00073 /** \brief  Adds a point-cloud to the CloudWriter. This cloud should be computed 
00074  *          by KinectCloud before.
00075  *  
00076  *  \param  cloud   Vector of \f$640 \times 480\f$ 3-dimensional points.
00077  * 
00078  */ 
00079         void addCloud(std::vector< std::vector<float> > cloud);
00082 /** \brief  Adds a vector of RGB-colors to the CloudWriter.This vector should 
00083  *          be computed by KinectCloud before.
00084  *  
00085  *  \param  cloudRgb    Vector of \f$640 \times 480\f$ colors. Each color is 
00086  *                      specified in \f$R\f$-, \f$G\f$- and \f$B\f$-values with 
00087  *                      \f$R, G, B \in [1, 255]\f$.
00088  */ 
00089         void addCloudRgb(std::vector< std::vector<int> > cloudRgb);
00092 /** \brief  Adds a vector of depth-RGB-mapping values to the CloudWriter. These 
00093  *          values should be computed by 
00094  *          KinectCloud::computeRgbMapping(std::vector< std::vector<float> > rgbCam) 
00095  *          before.
00096  *  
00097  *  \param  cloudRgbMapping Vector of \f$640 \times 480\f$ 2-dimensional 
00098  *                          mapping-values.
00099  */ 
00100         void addCloudRgbMapping(std::vector< std::vector<int> > cloudRgbMapping);
00102         //~ void addNormals(std::vector< std::vector<float> > normals);
00105 /** \brief  Adds a vector of valid-points-flags to the CloudWriter. Get 
00106  *          these points with KinectCloud::getValidValues().
00107  *  
00108  *  \param  validValues Vector of \f$640 \times 480\f$ booleans which indicate, 
00109  *                      if the corresponding vector is valid 
00110  *                      (\f$depth < 2047\f$).
00111  */ 
00112         void addValidValues(std::vector<bool> validValues);
00115 /** \brief  Adds a vector of reconstruction-steps-flags to the CloudWriter. 
00116  *          Get these points with KinectCloud::getReconstructionSteps().
00117  *  
00118  *  \param  reconstructionSteps Vector of 5 booleans which indicate, if the 
00119  *                              equivalent reconstruction-step was done.
00120  * 
00121  *  \see    KinectCloud::getReconstructionSteps()
00122  */ 
00123         void addReconstructionSteps(std::vector<bool> reconstructionSteps);
00126 /** \brief  Sets if points of the point-cloud, which don't have an equivalent 
00127  *          color at the RGB-image should be added to the final point-cloud. 
00128  *          They will be added with a custom color, specified with 
00129  *          setUndefinedColor(int color[3]).
00130  *  
00131  *  \param  printUndefined  True, if points with undefined color should 
00132  *                          be added to the exported file. False, if not.
00133  */ 
00134         void setUndefined(bool printUndefined);
00137 /** \brief  Sets the color of points with undefined color.
00138  *  
00139  *  \param  color   RGB-color with \f$R, G, B \in [1, 255]\f$.
00140  */
00141         void setUndefinedColor(int color[3]);
00144 /** \brief  Mirrors the point-cloud along the given axis. Multiple calls 
00145  *          possible.
00146  *  
00147  *  \param  mirror  The mirror-axis.
00148  */
00149         void setMirror(CloudMirror mirror);
00152 /** \brief  Writes the cloud to the ply-file.
00153  */
00154         void writeCloud();
00156     private:
00157         std::string filenamePrefix;                         /**< Filename prefix */
00158         std::string filename;                               /**< Resulting filename (Filename prefix + datetime + reconstruction-steps) */
00159         std::vector< std::vector<float> > cloud;            /**< Point-cloud */
00160         std::vector< std::vector<int> > cloudRgb;           /**< RGB-values */
00161         std::vector< std::vector<int> > cloudRgbMapping;    /**< Coordinates of a point's corresponding color at the RGB-image */
00162         //~ std::vector< std::vector<float> > normals;
00163         std::vector<bool> validValues;                      /**< Valid flags for each point */
00164         std::vector<bool> reconstructionSteps;              /**< Reconstruction flags */
00165         std::vector< std::vector<float> > cloudOutput;      /**< Final ply-output */
00167         bool printUndefined;            /**< Flag for printing points without a corresponding color */
00168         bool reconstructionStepsAdded;  /**< Indicates, if the reconstruction-steps were added */
00169         int undefinedColor[3];          /**< Color for points with undefined colors at the RGB-image */
00170         int mirrorX;                    /**< Help-variable for mirroring along x-axis */
00171         int mirrorY;                    /**< Help-variable for mirroring along y-axis */
00172         int mirrorZ;                    /**< Help-variable for mirroring along z-axis */
00174         void createOutput();            /**< Generates the ply-output */
00175         void createFilename();          /**< Generates the filename */
00176 };
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