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The Hopf map

Stereographic projection



How all works together





Stereographic projection



In a general context, the term "projection" simply refers to a mapping π which has the property π ° π = π, i.e. which does the same when it is applied twice as when it is applied only once. Normally, however, it also means that the map "reduces dimension" in some sense that suits the specific context.

Since we only deal with Rn in the very moderate case where n ≤ 4, the only projections of interest are maps from R4 to R3 and from R3 to R2. Of course we consider R3 embedded in R4, e.g by R3 x {0} ⊆ R4 (and similarly for one dimension below). Therefore, the first and most obvious candidate for a projection is the map that simply discards the last coordinate (this works well in both cases). Note that it obviously has the above mentioned property π ° π = π.

This is indeed a valuable map, but it has the great disadvantage of smashing the sphere to a disk. That means, it does not map it injectively into the plane (it may sound strange to look for a map that reduces dimensions and is still injective on the sphere, but read on). Additionally, we would like to work with a slightly more complex one which adds a little more spice to our pictures.

Looking for an interpretation of our first map we see that, when applied to a configuration of objects in R3, it sort of "flattens them down" to the plane. Imagine the sun shining vertically down on the plane. Then the image of an object is its shadow on the plane.

Why not slightly modify this idea by letting the source of light being a light bulb (idealized as a point) instead of the sun? Then the rays of light emerge from a single point rather than being parallels emitted by the point at infinity. This is exactly the approach we will take and the resulting map is called "stereographic projection".


We will now formalize our ideas and first consider the 3-dimensional case in order to get a grip of the ideas. The generalization to 4 dimensions will be immediate.

As above, we consider the plane R2 embedded in R3, but this time we move the plane one unit "down": E=R2 x {-1} ⊆ R3. This has technical reasons and is not relevant at all, as we will see later. As the "source of light" we choose the point Z located on the z axis two units above the plane. Now for any point P ≠ Z we consider the line l joining Z and P. If it happens not to be parallel to E, there is a point of intersection of l and E which we will call P'. This is the image of P under stereographic projection with center Z (for an illustration see the picture below).

Obviously this map seems to be considerably more interesting than the simplistic projection above. And a quick thought convices us that the unit sphere is in this case indeed mapped injectively into the plane (of course, we must exclude the "north pole" whose image is not defined). In fact, the map provides even a bijection between the sphere (minus the north pole) and the plane. This is an important fact to remember.

On the other hand, can we describe the map in a sufficiently easily handable way or is it too complicated to be dealt with? The answer is surprising. The only ingredient we need do derive a formula is elementary geometry. Let the coordinates of P be p1, p2, p3, and denote the coordinates of P' by q1, q2, q3 (trying to avoid confusion I will desist from calling them p'1, p'2 and p'3...). Since P' lies in E, q3 is of course equal to -1.

If we draw virtual "horizontal" lines from P and P' to the points R=(0,0,p3) and S=(0,0,q3) respectively, then the two triangles ZPR and ZP'Q are similar (since PR and P'S are parallel). Thus,

Applying a similar argument to the lines PR and the coordinates p1, p2, as well as to P'S and q1, q2, we obtain the final formula (π denotes the stereographic projection)

From this it can also rigorously be derived that the map restricted to the sphere minus the north pole (whose third coordinate equals 1, thus for which no image is defined) is indeed bijective. By the way, if we had chosen the plane R2 x {0} instead of R2 x {-1}, the only difference would have been that the 2 in the numerator would have to be changed to a 1 (the argument is exactly analogous to the one above).

Now the generalization to 4 dimensions is indeed obvious. The formula is given by

and swift caclulations yield analogous properties. In particular is the 3-sphere (minus the point (0,0,0,1) bijectively mapped to R3 x {-1}).




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