Package ij.plugin

Interface Summary
PlugIn Plugins that acquire images or display windows should implement this interface.

Class Summary
AboutBox This plugin implements the Help/About ImageJ command by opening the about.jpg in ij.jar, scaling it 400% and adding some text.
Animator This plugin animates stacks.
BMP_Reader This plugin reads BMP files.
BMP_Writer Implements the File/Save As/BMP command.
BMPDecoder A decoder for Windows bitmap (.BMP) files.
BrowserLauncher This plugin implements the File/Import/URL command and the commands in the Help menu that open web pages.
CanvasResizer This plugin implements the Image/Adjust/Canvas Size command.
ClassChecker Checks for duplicate class files in the plugins directory and deletes older duplicates.
Clipboard Copies and pastes images to the clipboard.
ColorPicker Implements the Image/Color/Color Picker command.
Colors This plugin implements most of the Edit/Options/Colors command.
CommandLister Lists ImageJ commands or keyboard shortcuts in a text window.
Commands Runs File and Window menu commands.
ContrastEnhancer Implements ImageJ's Process/Enhance Contrast command.
ControlPanel ControlPanel.
Converter Implements the conversion commands in the Image/Type submenu.
DICOM This plugin decodes DICOM files.
Distribution This plugin implements the Analyze/Distribution command.
DragAndDrop This class opens images, roi's, luts and text files dragged and dropped on the "ImageJ" window.
FFT This class implements the FFT, Inverse FFT and Redisplay Power Spectrum commands in the Process/FFT submenu.
FFTMath The class implements the Process/FFT/Math command.
FITS_Reader Opens and displays FITS images.
FITS_Writer This plugin saves a 16 or 32 bit image in FITS format.
FolderOpener Implements the File/Import/Image Sequence command, which opens a folder of images as a stack.
GelAnalyzer This plugin generates gel profile plots that can be analyzed using the wand tool.
GifWriter Writes a stack as an animated Gif
Histogram This plugin implements the Analyze/Histogram command.
Hotkeys Implements the Plugins/Hotkeys/Install and Remove commands.
ImageCalculator This plugin implements the Process/Image Calculator command.
Installer Implements the Plugins/Shortcuts/Install... command.
JavaProperties Displays the Java system properties in a text window.
JpegWriter The File->Save As->Jpeg command (FileSaver.saveAsJpeg()) uses this plugin to save images in JPEG format when running Java 2.
LutLoader Opens NIH Image look-up tables (LUTs), 768 byte binary LUTs (256 reds, 256 greens and 256 blues), LUTs in text format, or generates the LUT specified by the string argument passed to the run() method.
Macro_Runner Opens and runs a macro file.
MacroInstaller This plugin implements the Plugins/Macros/Install Macros command.
MeasurementsWriter Writes measurements to a tab-delimited text file.
Memory This plugin implements the Edit/Options/Memory command.
MemoryMonitor This plugin continuously plots ImageJ's memory utilization.
MontageMaker Implements the Image/Stacks/Make Montage command.
NewPlugin This class creates a new macro or the Java source for a new plugin.
Options This plugin implements most of the commands in the Edit/Options sub-menu.
PGM_Reader This plugin opens PxM format images.
PNG_Writer Saves in PNG format using the ImageIO class available in java 1.4 or later.
Raw This plugin implements the File/Import/Raw command.
RGBStackConverter Converts a 2 or 3 slice stack to RGB.
RoiReader Opens ImageJ, NIH Image and Scion Image for windows ROI outlines.
ScaleBar This plugin implements the Analyze/Tools/Draw Scale Bar command.
Scaler This plugin implements the Edit/Scale command.
ScreenGrabber Implements the Plugins/Utilities/Capture Screen command.
Selection This plugin implements the commands in the Edit/Section submenu.
SimpleCommands This plugin implements the Plugins/Utilities/Unlock, Image/Rename and Plugins/Utilities/Search commands.
Slicer Implements the Image/Stacks/Reslice command.
SpecifyROI This plugin implements the Edit/Selection/Specify command.
StackEditor Implements the AddSlice, DeleteSlice and "Convert Windows to Stack" commands.
StackWriter Writes the slices of stack as separate files.
TextFileReader This plugin displays the contents of a text file in a window.
TextReader This plugin opens a tab-delimeted text file as an image.
TextWriter This plugin implements the File/Save As/Text command.
ThreadLister Displays thread information in a text window.
Thresholder This plugin implements the Process/Binary/Make Binary and Convert to Mask commands.
Timer ImageJ plugin for measuring the speed of various Java operations.
TreePanel TreePanel.
URLOpener Opens TIFFs, ZIP compressed TIFFs, DICOMs, GIFs and JPEGs using a URL.
XYCoordinates Writes the XY coordinates and pixel values of all non-background pixels to a tab-delimited text file.
Zoom This plugin implements the commands in the Image/Zoom submenu.
ZProjector This plugin performs a z-projection of the input stack.