i2hex(int) - Method in class ij.plugin.DicomDecoder
Converts an int to an 8 byte hex string.
ic - Variable in class ij.plugin.MemoryMonitor
ice(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class ij.plugin.LutLoader
id - Static variable in class ij.plugin.ColorPicker
iHeight - Variable in class ij.plugin.SpecifyROI
IJ - Class in ij
This class consists of static utility methods.
IJ() - Constructor for class ij.IJ
ijPrefs - Static variable in class ij.Prefs
image - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ThresholdToSelection
image - Variable in class ij.plugin.GifEncoder
image - Variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
ImageCalculator - Class in ij.plugin
This plugin implements the Process/Image Calculator command.
ImageCalculator() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.ImageCalculator
imageClosed(ImagePlus) - Method in interface ij.ImageListener
imageColorModel - Variable in class ij.CompositeImage
ImageConverter - Class in ij.process
This class converts an ImagePlus object to a different type.
ImageConverter(ImagePlus) - Constructor for class ij.process.ImageConverter
Constructs an ImageConverter based on an ImagePlus object.
ImageJ - Class in ij
This frame is the main ImageJ class.
ImageJ() - Constructor for class ij.ImageJ
Creates a new ImageJ frame that runs as an application.
ImageJ(Applet) - Constructor for class ij.ImageJ
Creates a new ImageJ frame that runs as an applet.
ImageJ(Applet, int) - Constructor for class ij.ImageJ
If 'applet' is not null, creates a new ImageJ frame that runs as an applet.
ImageJApplet - Class in ij
Runs ImageJ as an applet and optionally opens up to nine images using URLs passed as a parameters.
ImageJApplet() - Constructor for class ij.ImageJApplet
ImageListener - Interface in ij
ImageMath - Class in ij.plugin.filter
This plugin implements ImageJ's Process/Math submenu.
ImageMath() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.filter.ImageMath
imageOpened(ImagePlus) - Method in interface ij.ImageListener
ImagePlus - Class in ij
This is an extended image class that supports 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit (real) and RGB images.
ImagePlus() - Constructor for class ij.ImagePlus
Constructs an uninitialized ImagePlus.
ImagePlus(String, Image) - Constructor for class ij.ImagePlus
Constructs an ImagePlus from an AWT Image.
ImagePlus(String, ImageProcessor) - Constructor for class ij.ImagePlus
Constructs an ImagePlus from an ImageProcessor.
ImagePlus(String) - Constructor for class ij.ImagePlus
Constructs an ImagePlus from a TIFF, BMP, DICOM, FITS, PGM, GIF or JPRG specified by a path or from a TIFF, DICOM, GIF or JPEG specified by a URL.
ImagePlus(String, ImageStack) - Constructor for class ij.ImagePlus
Constructs an ImagePlus from a stack.
ImageProcessor - Class in ij.process
This abstract class is the superclass for classes that process the four data types (byte, short, float and RGB) supported by ImageJ.
ImageProcessor() - Constructor for class ij.process.ImageProcessor
ImageProperties - Class in ij.plugin.filter
ImageProperties() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.filter.ImageProperties
imageSource - Variable in class ij.CompositeImage
ImageStack - Class in ij
This class represents an expandable array of images.
ImageStack(int, int) - Constructor for class ij.ImageStack
Creates a new, empty image stack.
ImageStack(int, int, ColorModel) - Constructor for class ij.ImageStack
Creates a new, empty image stack.
ImageStatistics - Class in ij.process
Statistics, including the histogram, of an image or image roi.
ImageStatistics() - Constructor for class ij.process.ImageStatistics
imagesURL - Static variable in class ij.Prefs
imageUpdate(Image, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Used by ImagePlus to monitor loading of images.
imageUpdated(ImagePlus) - Method in interface ij.ImageListener
imageWidth - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Projector
imageWidth - Variable in class ij.plugin.ScaleBar
img - Variable in class ij.ImagePlus
img - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.CalibrationBar
img - Variable in class ij.plugin.SurfacePlotter
img - Variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.BMP_Writer
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.ColorGenerator
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Benchmark
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Binary
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.CalibrationBar
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Convolver
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Duplicater
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.EDM
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Filler
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.FractalBoxCounter
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ImageProperties
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.LineGraphAnalyzer
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.LutApplier
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.LutViewer
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ParticleAnalyzer
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Profiler
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Projector
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Resizer
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.RGBStackSplitter
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.RoiWriter
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Shadows
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Transformer
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.XYWriter
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ZAxisProfiler
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.FolderOpenerDialog
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.GelAnalyzer
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.PNG_Writer
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.ScaleBar
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.Selection
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.SpecifyROI
imp - Variable in class ij.plugin.StackEditor
imp - Variable in class ij.process.StackConverter
imp0 - Variable in class ij.plugin.NextImageOpener
impData - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.CalibrationBar
impOriginal - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.CalibrationBar
IMPORT_MENU - Static variable in class ij.Menus
IN_TOLERANCE - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.MaximumFinder
Output type all points around the maximum within the tolerance
INCH - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ImageProperties
INCLUDE_HOLES - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ParticleAnalyzer
Flood fill to ignore interior holes.
incrementCounter() - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Analyzer
incrementInitStones() - Method in class muehle.player.Player
erhöht die Steinanzahl der zu setzenden Spielsteine des Players um 1
incrementStones() - Method in class muehle.player.Player
erhöht die Anzahl der Spielsteine des Players, die sich auf dem Spielfeld befinden, um 1
index - Variable in class ij.plugin.MemoryMonitor
index - Variable in class robo.spiel.Speicherstelle
Index der Stelle
index1 - Variable in class ij.plugin.Memory
index2 - Variable in class ij.plugin.Memory
indexedPixels - Variable in class ij.plugin.GifEncoder
Info - Class in ij.plugin.filter
This plugin implements the Image/Show Info command.
Info() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.filter.Info
informOpponent(Action) - Method in class muehle.player.Player
init(ImageJ, Applet) - Static method in class ij.IJ
init() - Static method in class ij.IJ
init() - Method in class ij.ImageJApplet
Starts ImageJ if it's not already running.
init(int, int, short[], ColorModel) - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
init() - Method in class muehle.MuehleApp
Initialisierungsmethode des Applets
INITIAL_SIZE - Static variable in class ij.ImageStack
INITIAL_SIZE - Static variable in class ij.VirtualStack
initialize() - Static method in class robo.log.Log
Initialisiert die Logger für Patternausgabe auf stdout.
initialize - Variable in class robo.main.Kontrollfeld
initialize - Variable in class robo.main.NaviView.NVFahrbahnKontrollfeld
initialize(DPoint, DPoint, DPoint) - Static method in class robo.spiel.Transformation
Initialisiert die Transformation
initialized() - Static method in class robo.spiel.Transformation
gibt an, ob die Transformation überhaupt schon mal initialisiert wurde
initialScale - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.SetScaleDialog
initialUpdate() - Method in interface robo.navigate.IVehicle
Führt eine Initialisierung durch.
initialUpdate() - Method in class robo.navigate.VehicleSimulationWithBluetooth
initialUpdate() - Method in class robo.navigate.VehicleWithBluetooth
initLoggers() - Method in class robo.log.LoggerDialog
initStones - Variable in class muehle.player.Player
Anzahl der noch zu setzenden Steine des Spielers
inParticle(int, int, double, double) - Method in class ij.process.FloodFiller
input - Variable in class muehle.player.NetPlayer
inputStream - Variable in class ij.plugin.DicomDecoder
inSequence - Variable in class ij.plugin.DicomDecoder
insert - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.CalibrationBar
insert(ImageProcessor, int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Inserts the image contained in 'ip' at (xloc, yloc).
insertWindowMenuItem(Frame) - Static method in class ij.Menus
Inserts one item (a non-image window) into the Window menu.
insetPad - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.CalibrationBar
install() - Method in class ij.plugin.MacroInstaller
install(String) - Method in class ij.plugin.MacroInstaller
install(String, Menu) - Method in class ij.plugin.MacroInstaller
installableMenuLabels - Variable in class ij.plugin.ControlPanel
installAbout(String) - Method in class ij.plugin.Installer
installation() - Method in class ij.plugin.SimpleCommands
Installer - Class in ij.plugin
Implements the Plugins/Shortcuts/Install... command.
Installer() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.Installer
installFile(String) - Method in class ij.plugin.MacroInstaller
installFromIJJar(String) - Method in class ij.plugin.MacroInstaller
Installs a macro set contained in ij.jar.
installHotkey() - Method in class ij.plugin.Hotkeys
installJarPlugin(String, String) - Method in class ij.Menus
Install a plugin located in a JAR file.
installJarPlugins() - Method in class ij.Menus
Install plugins located in JAR files.
installLibrary(String) - Method in class ij.plugin.MacroInstaller
installMacro(String) - Method in class ij.Menus
Installs a macro in the Plugins menu, or submenu, with with underscores in the file name replaced by spaces.
installMacros() - Method in class ij.Menus
Installs macro files that are located in the plugins folder and have a "_" in their name.
installPlugin(String, char, String, String, ImageJ) - Static method in class ij.Menus
Adds a plugin based command to the end of a specified menu.
installPlugin() - Method in class ij.plugin.Installer
installPlugins() - Method in class ij.Menus
Install plugins using "pluginxx=" keys in IJ_Prefs.txt.
installPopupMenu(ImageJ) - Method in class ij.Menus
installPopupMenu(String, Program) - Method in class ij.plugin.MacroInstaller
installStartupMacroSet() - Method in class ij.Menus
installUserPlugin(String) - Method in class ij.Menus
Installs a plugin in the Plugins menu using the class name, with underscores replaced by spaces, as the command.
intData - Variable in class ij.plugin.BMPDecoder
intelByteOrder - Static variable in class ij.Prefs
Export Raw using little-endian byte order.
interpolate(byte[], byte[], byte[], int) - Method in class ij.plugin.LutLoader
interpolate - Variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
interpolateBackground(ImageProcessor, RollingBall) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.BackgroundSubtracter
Uses bilinear interpolation to find the points in the full-scale background given the points from the shrunken image background.
interpolateBackground16(ImageProcessor, RollingBall) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.BackgroundSubtracter
This is a 16-bit version of the interpolateBackground(0 method.
interpolateScaledImages - Static variable in class ij.Prefs
Display images scaled <100% using bilinear interpolation
intStorage - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.CalibrationBar
INVALID_SHORTCUT - Static variable in class ij.Menus
inverseTransform() - Method in class ij.process.FHT
Performs an inverse transform, converting this image into the space domain.
inversionTested - Variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
inversTertiaerString() - Method in class muehle.logic.Playground
invert() - Method in class ij.plugin.ColorPanel
INVERT - Static variable in class ij.plugin.GelAnalyzer
invert(byte[]) - Method in class ij.plugin.RGBStackMerge
invert(ImagePlus) - Method in class ij.plugin.Selection
invert() - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
INVERT - Static variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
invert() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Inverts the image or ROI.
invert() - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
INVERT - Static variable in class ij.process.StackProcessor
invert() - Method in class ij.process.StackProcessor
invertButton - Variable in class ij.plugin.LUT_Editor
invertedLut - Variable in class ij.plugin.GelAnalyzer
invertedLut - Variable in class ij.plugin.SurfacePlotter
invertedLut - Variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
invertImage - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.EDM
invertLookupTable() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
invertLut() - Method in class ij.plugin.LutLoader
invertLut() - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
Does nothing since RGB images do not use LUTs.
invertLut() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Inverts the values in this image's LUT (indexed color model).
invertLuts(boolean) - Method in class ij.plugin.Options
invertPeaks - Static variable in class ij.plugin.GelAnalyzer
io() - Method in class ij.plugin.Options
ip - Variable in class ij.ImagePlus
ip - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.CalibrationBar
ip - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ThresholdToSelection
ip - Variable in class ij.plugin.MemoryMonitor
ip - Variable in class ij.process.FloodFiller
ipLanes - Static variable in class ij.plugin.GelAnalyzer
is - Variable in class ij.plugin.BMPDecoder
IS_DOT - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.MaximumFinder
IS_LINE - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.MaximumFinder
isAutoRunAndHide() - Method in class ij.plugin.MacroInstaller
Returns true if an "AutoRunAndHide" macro was run/installed.
isColorLut(ImagePlus) - Static method in class ij.Menus
isColorLut() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns true if this image uses a color LUT.
isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor) - Method in class ij.plugin.Clipboard
isDicomStack(ImagePlus) - Method in class ij.plugin.DICOM_Sorter
isDragging - Variable in class ij.plugin.TreePanel
isDuplicateName(String) - Static method in class ij.WindowManager
isEndgame() - Method in class muehle.player.ComputerPlayer
isEnlarged - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Rotator
isFloat(ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.ImageMath
isFloat - Variable in class ij.process.FloodFiller
isFree(int) - Method in class muehle.logic.Playground
isGameOver() - Method in class muehle.LernUmgebung
isGameOver() - Method in class muehle.Muehle
Gibt zurück, ob Spiel aus ist (Einer der Spieler weniger als 3 Steine oder keinen Move mehr)
isGameOver() - Method in class muehle.MuehleLight
Gibt zurück, ob Spiel aus ist (Einer der Spieler weniger als 3 Steine oder keinen Move mehr)
isGrayscale() - Method in class ij.LookUpTable
Returns true if this is a 256 entry grayscale LUT.
isHSB() - Method in class ij.ImageStack
Returns true if this is a 3-slice HSB stack.
isInvertedLut() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns true is this image uses an inverting LUT that displays zero as white and 255 as black.
isInvertedLut() - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
Always returns false since RGB images do not use LUTs.
isInvertedLut() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns true if this image uses an inverting LUT that displays zero as white and 255 as black.
isJava14() - Static method in class ij.IJ
Returns true if ImageJ is running on a Java 1.4 or greater JVM.
isJava15() - Static method in class ij.IJ
Returns true if ImageJ is running on a Java 1.5 or greater JVM.
isJava16() - Static method in class ij.IJ
Returns true if ImageJ is running on a Java 1.6 or greater JVM.
isJava2() - Static method in class ij.IJ
Returns true if ImageJ is running on Java 2.
isKillable() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
iSlice - Variable in class ij.plugin.SpecifyROI
isLineOrDot(ImageProcessor, int, int) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.MaximumFinder
analyze the neighbors of a pixel (x, y) in a byte image; pixels <255 are considered part of lines.
isLineRoi - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Convolver
isLineSelection() - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Filler
isLinux() - Static method in class ij.IJ
Returns true if ImageJ is running on Linux.
isLocked() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns 'true' if the image is locked.
isMacintosh() - Static method in class ij.IJ
Returns true if this machine is a Macintosh.
isMacOSX() - Static method in class ij.IJ
Returns true if this machine is a Macintosh running OS X.
isMainPanel - Variable in class ij.plugin.TreePanel
isMuehle(Action) - Method in class muehle.logic.Playground
Gibt zurück, ob eine Mühle durch action geschlossen wurde.
isProcessor() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
isPseudoColorLut() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns true if this image uses a pseudocolor or grayscale LUT, in other words, is this an image that can be filtered.
isQTJavaInstalled() - Method in class ij.plugin.Clipboard
isRedirectImage() - Static method in class ij.plugin.filter.Analyzer
Returns true if an image is selected in the "Redirect To:" popup menu of the Analyze/Set Measurements dialog box.
isResultsWindow() - Static method in class ij.IJ
Returns true if the "Results" window is open.
isRGB() - Method in class ij.ImageStack
Returns true if this is a 3-slice RGB stack.
isRGB - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Projector
isRunning(String[]) - Static method in class ij.ImageJ
isStraightLine() - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Filler
isTextRoi - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Filler
isTheMainPanel() - Method in class ij.plugin.TreePanel
isUseTimeToBreak() - Method in class muehle.player.ComputerPlayer
isUseTimeToBreak() - Method in class muehle.player.Player
isVerbose() - Method in class muehle.player.ComputerPlayer
isVertical - Static variable in class ij.plugin.GelAnalyzer
isVirtual() - Method in class ij.ImageStack
Returns true if this is a virtual (disk resident) stack.
isVirtual() - Method in class ij.VirtualStack
Always return true.
isVisible() - Method in class ij.plugin.TreePanel
isVista() - Static method in class ij.IJ
Returns true if ImageJ is running on Windows Vista.
isWindows() - Static method in class ij.IJ
Returns true if this machine is running Windows.
isWithin(ImageProcessor, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.MaximumFinder
returns whether the neighbor in a given direction is within the image NOTE: it is assumed that the pixel x,y itself is within the image!
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class ij.ImageJ
Handles CheckboxMenuItem state changes.
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.Colors
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.CalibrationBar.LiveDialog
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Resizer
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.FolderOpenerDialog
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.ScaleBar.BarDialog
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.Slicer
iterations - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Binary
IVehicle - Interface in robo.navigate
iWidth - Variable in class ij.plugin.SpecifyROI
iX - Variable in class ij.plugin.SpecifyROI
iXROI - Variable in class ij.plugin.SpecifyROI
iY - Variable in class ij.plugin.SpecifyROI
iYROI - Variable in class ij.plugin.SpecifyROI