c - Variable in class ij.plugin.ColorPanel
c2c2DFFT(float[], float[], int, float[], float[]) - Method in class ij.plugin.FFT
Complex to Complex Inverse Fourier Transform
cal - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.CalibrationBar
cal - Variable in class ij.process.ImageStatistics
calcSituationValue(Playground) - Method in class muehle.player.Player
Errechnet den Situationswert neu
CalcThread - Class in robo.navigate
Sorgt dafür, dass regelmäßig Roboterposition und Steuerung durch Navigator aktualisiert werden.
CalcThread(Navigator, IVehicle) - Constructor for class robo.navigate.CalcThread
Initialisiert den Calcthread mit den übergebenen Navigator und vehicle.
calculate(String, ImagePlus, ImagePlus) - Method in class ij.plugin.ImageCalculator
calculate(ImagePlus, ImagePlus, boolean) - Method in class ij.plugin.ImageCalculator
calculateAmplitude(float[], int) - Method in class ij.process.FHT
calculateAreaFraction(ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.process.FloatStatistics
calculateAreaFraction(ImageProcessor, int[]) - Method in class ij.process.ImageStatistics
calculateBestAction(Playground) - Method in class muehle.player.ComputerPlayer
calculateMedian(int[], int, Calibration) - Method in class ij.process.ImageStatistics
calculateMoments(ImageProcessor, int, int, float[]) - Method in class ij.process.ByteStatistics
calculateMoments(ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.process.ColorStatistics
calculateMoments(ImageProcessor, double, double) - Method in class ij.process.FloatStatistics
calculateMoments(ImageProcessor, int, int, float[]) - Method in class ij.process.ShortStatistics
calculateStdDev(int, double, double) - Method in class ij.process.ImageStatistics
calculateWidth() - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.CalibrationBar
calibrate(ImagePlus) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Calibrator
CalibrationBar - Class in ij.plugin.filter
This plugin displays a calibration bar on the active image.
CalibrationBar() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.filter.CalibrationBar
CalibrationBar.LiveDialog - Class in ij.plugin.filter
CalibrationBar.LiveDialog(String) - Constructor for class ij.plugin.filter.CalibrationBar.LiveDialog
Calibrator - Class in ij.plugin.filter
Implements the Analyze/Calibrate command.
Calibrator() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.filter.Calibrator
calPixelDepth - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ImageProperties
calPixelHeight - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ImageProperties
calPixelWidth - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ImageProperties
calulateStep() - Method in class robo.navigate.Navigator
Berechnet und setzt anhand der akuellen Position des Roboters neue Geschwindigkeiten für die beiden Räder.
calUnit - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ImageProperties
CANCELED - Static variable in class ij.IJ
canceled - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Convolver
canceled - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.LutApplier
cancelLUT() - Method in class ij.plugin.ColorPanel
canEnlarge - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Rotator
canJump() - Method in class muehle.player.Player
gibt zurück, ob der Spieler springen kann, also weniger als 4 Steine auf dem Feld hat.
canSet() - Method in class muehle.player.Player
gibt zurück, ob der Spieler noch Steine setzen kann, also noch in der Setzphase ist.
CanvasResizer - Class in ij.plugin
This plugin implements the Image/Adjust/Canvas Size command.
CanvasResizer() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.CanvasResizer
captureImg() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.img.Webcam
Lädt ein neues Bild von der Kamera.
cascadeWindows(int[]) - Method in class ij.plugin.WindowOrganizer
CENTER_JUSTIFY - Static variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Center justify text.
centered - Static variable in class ij.plugin.SpecifyROI
CENTIMETER - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ImageProperties
changeMemoryAllocation() - Method in class ij.plugin.Memory
changes - Variable in class ij.ImagePlus
True if any changes have been made to this image.
changeValues(ImageProcessor, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.plugin.FFT
changeValues(ImageProcessor, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.process.FHT
char_out(byte, OutputStream) - Method in class ij.plugin.LZWEncoder
chars - Variable in class ij.plugin.TextReader
checkbox - Variable in class ij.plugin.Distribution
checkboxes - Variable in class ij.plugin.SpecifyROI
checkboxLabels - Static variable in class ij.plugin.ScaleBar
checkboxStates - Variable in class ij.plugin.ScaleBar
checkForDuplicate(String) - Method in class ij.Menus
checkForDuplicateName - Static variable in class ij.WindowManager
checkForDuplicateName(ImagePlus) - Static method in class ij.WindowManager
checkSubdirectory(String, String, Vector) - Static method in class ij.Menus
Looks for plugins and jar files in a subdirectory of the plugins directory.
cip - Variable in class ij.CompositeImage
circ - Variable in class org.lego.navigation.misc.ResultRow
circSchranke - Variable in class org.lego.navigation.img.Ellipse
cl_block(OutputStream) - Method in class ij.plugin.LZWEncoder
cl_hash(int) - Method in class ij.plugin.LZWEncoder
ClassChecker - Class in ij.plugin
Checks for duplicate class files in the plugins directory and deletes older duplicates.
ClassChecker() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.ClassChecker
classicEqualization - Variable in class ij.plugin.ContrastEnhancer
cleanupExtraLines(ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.MaximumFinder
Delete single dots and lines ending somewhere within a segmented particle Needed for post-processing watershed-segmented images that can have local minima
cleanupMaxima(ByteProcessor, ByteProcessor, MaximumFinder.MaxPoint[]) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.MaximumFinder
eliminate unmarked maxima for use by watershed.
clear(ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Filler
clear - Variable in class robo.main.NaviView.NVFahrbahnKontrollfeld
clear_flg - Variable in class ij.plugin.LZWEncoder
CLEAR_WORKSHEET - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ParticleAnalyzer
Clear ImageJ console before starting.
clearAboveProfile(ImageProcessor, double[], int, double) - Method in class ij.plugin.SurfacePlotter
ClearCode - Variable in class ij.plugin.LZWEncoder
clearFeatures() - Method in class muehle.player.LearningPlayer
clearFeatures() - Method in class muehle.player.Player
clearOutside(ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Filler
clip - Static variable in class muehle.player.Player
Clipboard - Class in ij.plugin
Copies and pastes images to the clipboard.
Clipboard() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.Clipboard
clipboard - Static variable in class ij.plugin.Clipboard
clipXMax - Variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
clipXMin - Variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
clipYMax - Variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
clipYMin - Variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
clone() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
clone() - Method in class robo.data.Move
clone() - Method in class robo.data.Position
Gibt eine neue Instanz der Position zurück
cloneMove() - Method in class robo.data.Move
Gibt eine Kopie des Moves zurück, wobei alle Positionen ebenfalls kopiert werden
clonePosition() - Method in class robo.data.Position
Gibt eine neue Instanz der Position zurück
close() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Closes this image and sets the pixel arrays to null.
close() - Method in class ij.plugin.Commands
close(ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Binary
close() - Method in class ij.plugin.TreePanel
close() - Method in interface robo.navigate.IVehicle
Beendet ggf. eine Bluetoothverbindung zum Roboter
close() - Method in class robo.navigate.Navigator
Beendet den Navigator
close() - Method in class robo.navigate.RoboterController
close() - Method in class robo.navigate.VehicleSimulationWithBluetooth
close() - Method in class robo.navigate.VehicleWithBluetooth
closeAll(boolean) - Method in class ij.plugin.ControlPanel
closeAllWindows() - Static method in class ij.WindowManager
Closes all windows.
closeCurrent - Variable in class ij.plugin.NextImageOpener
CLOSED - Static variable in class ij.ImagePlus
closeImage(ImagePlus) - Method in class ij.plugin.Commands
closeStream - Variable in class ij.plugin.GifEncoder
cm - Variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
cm2 - Variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
cmPerSpeed - Variable in class robo.navigate.VehicleWithBluetooth
codetab - Variable in class ij.plugin.LZWEncoder
color - Static variable in class ij.plugin.ScaleBar
color - Variable in class robo.etc.CPoint
Die Farbe
COLOR_256 - Static variable in class ij.ImagePlus
8-bit indexed color
COLOR_RGB - Static variable in class ij.ImagePlus
32-bit RGB color
ColorBlitter - Class in ij.process
This class does bit blitting of RGB images.
ColorBlitter(ColorProcessor) - Constructor for class ij.process.ColorBlitter
Constructs a ColorBlitter from a ColorProcessor.
ColorCanvas - Class in ij.plugin
ColorCanvas(ImagePlus) - Constructor for class ij.plugin.ColorCanvas
colorDepth - Variable in class ij.plugin.GifEncoder
ColorGenerator - Class in ij.plugin
ColorGenerator(int, int, int[], ImagePlus) - Constructor for class ij.plugin.ColorGenerator
ColorPanel - Class in ij.plugin
ColorPanel(ImagePlus) - Constructor for class ij.plugin.ColorPanel
colorPanel - Variable in class ij.plugin.LUT_Editor
ColorPicker - Class in ij.plugin
Implements the Image/Color/Color Picker command.
ColorPicker() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.ColorPicker
ColorProcessor - Class in ij.process
This is an 32-bit RGB image and methods that operate on that image..
ColorProcessor(Image) - Constructor for class ij.process.ColorProcessor
Creates a ColorProcessor from an AWT Image.
ColorProcessor(int, int) - Constructor for class ij.process.ColorProcessor
Creates a blank ColorProcessor of the specified dimensions.
ColorProcessor(int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class ij.process.ColorProcessor
Creates a ColorProcessor from a pixel array.
colorRamp() - Method in class ij.plugin.ColorPanel
colors - Variable in class ij.CompositeImage
colors - Variable in class ij.plugin.ColorCanvas
colors - Variable in class ij.plugin.ColorGenerator
Colors - Class in ij.plugin
This plugin implements most of the Edit/Options/Colors command.
Colors() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.Colors
colors - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.CalibrationBar
colors - Static variable in class ij.plugin.ScaleBar
ColorStatistics - Class in ij.process
RGB image statistics, including histogram.
ColorStatistics(ImageProcessor) - Constructor for class ij.process.ColorStatistics
Construct an ImageStatistics object from a ColorProcessor using the standard measurement options (area, mean, mode, min and max).
ColorStatistics(ImageProcessor, int, Calibration) - Constructor for class ij.process.ColorStatistics
Constructs a ColorStatistics object from a ColorProcessor using the specified measurement options.
colorTab - Variable in class ij.plugin.GifEncoder
columns - Variable in class ij.plugin.ColorPanel
COMMAND_IN_USE - Static variable in class ij.Menus
COMMAND_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class ij.Menus
commandInUse(String) - Static method in class ij.Menus
CommandLister - Class in ij.plugin
Lists ImageJ commands or keyboard shortcuts in a text window.
CommandLister() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.CommandLister
commandPrefix - Static variable in class ij.plugin.MacroInstaller
commandPrefixS - Static variable in class ij.plugin.MacroInstaller
Commands - Class in ij.plugin
Runs File and Window menu commands.
Commands() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.Commands
commands - Variable in class ij.plugin.ControlPanel
compareTo(Object) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.MaximumFinder.MaxPoint
a comparator required for sorting (interface Comparable)
Composite_Image - Class in ij.plugin
Composite_Image() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.Composite_Image
CompositeImage - Class in ij
CompositeImage(ImagePlus, int) - Constructor for class ij.CompositeImage
compositeImage - Variable in class ij.ImagePlus
COMPOUND_FILTER - Static variable in class ij.Undo
COMPOUND_FILTER_DONE - Static variable in class ij.Undo
compress(int, OutputStream) - Method in class ij.plugin.LZWEncoder
compression - Variable in class ij.plugin.BMPDecoder
ComputerPlayer - Class in muehle.player
Diese Klasse implementiert den Computerspieler, der, wenn er zum Zug aufgefordert wird, eine KI aufruft und den durch die KI berechneten Zug ausführt.
ComputerPlayer(String, Stone) - Constructor for class muehle.player.ComputerPlayer
erstellt einen Computerspieler mit angegebenem Namen und Stein und der Spielstärke 200
ComputerPlayer(String, Stone, Heuristic) - Constructor for class muehle.player.ComputerPlayer
ComputerPlayer(String, Stone, String) - Constructor for class muehle.player.ComputerPlayer
ComputerPlayer(String, Stone, String, String) - Constructor for class muehle.player.ComputerPlayer
ComputerPlayer(String, Stone, Heuristic, Heuristic) - Constructor for class muehle.player.ComputerPlayer
computeSums() - Method in class ij.process.EllipseFitter
Config - Class in org.lego.navigation.control
Verwaltet diverse Einstellmöglichkeiten, die hier zentral geändert werden können.
Config - Class in org.lego.navigation.control.nachtderwissenschaft
Verwaltet diverse Einstellm?glichkeiten, die hier zentral ge?ndert werden k?nnen.
conjugateMultiply(FHT) - Method in class ij.process.FHT
Returns the image resulting from the point by point Hartley conjugate multiplication of this image and the specified image.
connect() - Method in class muehle.player.NetClientPlayer
erzeugt einen Client-Socket, verbindet ihn mit einem bereits gestarteten Server und tauscht Namen der Spieler aus
connect() - Method in class muehle.player.NetPlayer
erzeugt einen Server-Socket auf dem gespeichertet Port, horcht an diesem, wartet bis ein Client sich verbindet und tauscht Namen der Spieler aus
connect() - Method in class muehle.player.NetServerPlayer
erzeugt einen Server-Socket auf dem gespeichertet Port, horcht an diesem, wartet bis ein Client sich verbindet und tauscht Namen der Spieler aus
connect() - Method in class muehle.player.Player
Verbindungsaufbau beim Netzwerkspiel Wird von den Net-Playern überschrieben
ContrastEnhancer - Class in ij.plugin
Implements ImageJ's Process/Enhance Contrast command.
ContrastEnhancer() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.ContrastEnhancer
ControlPanel - Class in ij.plugin
ControlPanel() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.ControlPanel
conversions() - Method in class ij.plugin.Options
convert(String) - Method in class ij.plugin.Converter
Converts the ImagePlus to the specified image type.
convert(int) - Method in class ij.process.MedianCut
Uses Heckbert's median-cut algorithm to divide the color space defined by "hist" into "maxcubes" cubes.
CONVERT_TO_FLOAT - Static variable in interface ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter
Set this flag to have the ImageProcessor that is passed to the run() method converted to a FloatProcessor.
convertByteToFloat(float[]) - Method in class ij.process.TypeConverter
Converts a ByteProcessor to a FloatProcessor.
convertByteToShort() - Method in class ij.process.TypeConverter
Converts a ByteProcessor to a ShortProcessor.
Converter - Class in ij.plugin
Implements the conversion commands in the Image/Type submenu.
Converter() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.Converter
convertFloatToByte() - Method in class ij.process.TypeConverter
Converts a FloatProcessor to a ByteProcessor.
convertFloatToShort() - Method in class ij.process.TypeConverter
Converts a FloatProcessor to a ShortProcessor.
convertHSBToRGB() - Method in class ij.process.ImageConverter
Converts a 3-slice (hue, saturation, brightness) 8-bit stack to RGB.
convertImagesToStack() - Method in class ij.plugin.StackEditor
convertRGBStackToRGB() - Method in class ij.process.ImageConverter
Converts a 2 or 3 slice 8-bit stack to RGB.
convertRGBToByte() - Method in class ij.process.TypeConverter
Converts a ColorProcessor to a ByteProcessor.
convertRGBToGray8() - Method in class ij.process.StackConverter
Converts an RGB or 8-bit color stack to 8-bit grayscale.
convertRGBtoIndexedColor(int) - Method in class ij.process.ImageConverter
Converts an RGB image to 8-bits indexed color.
convertShortcutToCode(String) - Static method in class ij.Menus
convertShortToByte() - Method in class ij.process.TypeConverter
Converts a ShortProcessor to a ByteProcessor.
convertShortToFloat(float[]) - Method in class ij.process.TypeConverter
Converts a ShortProcessor to a FloatProcessor.
convertStack(ImagePlus) - Method in class ij.plugin.Thresholder
convertStackToBinary(ImagePlus) - Method in class ij.plugin.Thresholder
convertStackToImages(ImagePlus) - Method in class ij.plugin.StackEditor
convertToByte(ImagePlus) - Method in class ij.plugin.Thresholder
convertToByte(boolean) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns an 8-bit version of this image as a ByteProcessor.
convertToByte(int) - Method in class ij.process.MedianCut
This is a version of convert that returns a ByteProcessor.
convertToByte() - Method in class ij.process.TypeConverter
Converts processor to a ByteProcessor.
convertToBytes(short[], byte[]) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.EDM
convert 16-bit EDM to 8 bits
convertToFloat() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns a 32-bit float version of this image as a FloatProcessor.
convertToFloat(float[]) - Method in class ij.process.TypeConverter
Converts processor to a FloatProcessor.
convertToGray16() - Method in class ij.process.ImageConverter
Converts this ImagePlus to 16-bit grayscale.
convertToGray16() - Method in class ij.process.StackConverter
Converts this Stack to 16-bit grayscale.
convertToGray32() - Method in class ij.process.ImageConverter
Converts this ImagePlus to 32-bit grayscale.
convertToGray32() - Method in class ij.process.StackConverter
Converts this Stack to 32-bit (float) grayscale.
convertToGray8() - Method in class ij.process.ImageConverter
Converts this ImagePlus to 8-bit grayscale.
convertToGray8() - Method in class ij.process.StackConverter
Converts this Stack to 8-bit grayscale.
convertToHSB() - Method in class ij.process.ImageConverter
Converts an RGB image to a HSB (hue, saturation and brightness) stack.
convertToIndexedColor(int) - Method in class ij.process.StackConverter
Converts the stack to 8-bits indexed color.
convertToMask - Variable in class ij.plugin.Thresholder
convertToRGB() - Method in class ij.process.ImageConverter
Converts this ImagePlus to RGB.
convertToRGB() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns an RGB version of this image as a ColorProcessor.
convertToRGB() - Method in class ij.process.StackConverter
Converts the Stack to RGB.
convertToRGB() - Method in class ij.process.TypeConverter
Converts processor to a ColorProcessor.
convertToRGBStack() - Method in class ij.process.ImageConverter
Converts an RGB image to an RGB (red, green and blue) stack.
convertToShort(boolean) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns a 16-bit version of this image as a ShortProcessor.
convertToShort() - Method in class ij.process.TypeConverter
Converts processor to a ShortProcessor.
convertToUnsigned(ImagePlus, FileInfo) - Method in class ij.plugin.DICOM
Convert 16-bit signed to unsigned if all pixels>=0.
convexHull(ImagePlus) - Method in class ij.plugin.Selection
convolve(ImageProcessor, float[], int, int) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Convolver
convolve(float[], int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
Performs a convolution operation using the specified kernel.
convolve(float[], int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
Performs a convolution operation using the specified kernel.
convolve(float[], int, int) - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
Performs a convolution operation using the specified kernel.
convolve(float[], int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Performs a convolution operation using the specified kernel.
convolve(float[], int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
Performs a convolution operation using the specified kernel.
convolve3x3(int[]) - Method in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
3x3 convolution contributed by Glynne Casteel.
convolve3x3(int[]) - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
3x3 convolution contributed by Glynne Casteel.
convolve3x3(int[]) - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
3x3 convolution contributed by Glynne Casteel.
convolve3x3(int[]) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Convolves the image or ROI with the specified 3x3 integer convolution kernel.
convolve3x3(int[]) - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
3x3 convolution contributed by Glynne Casteel.
convolveFloat(ImageProcessor, float[], int, int) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Convolver
Convolves the image ip with a kernel of width kw and height kh.
convolveFloat1D(ImageProcessor, float[], int, int) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Convolver
Convolves the image ip with a kernel of width kw and height kh.
convolveLine(float[], float[], float[][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.GaussianBlur
Convolve a line with a symmetric kernel and write to a separate array, possibly the pixels array of a FloatProcessor (as a row or column or part thereof)
Convolver - Class in ij.plugin.filter
This plugin convolves images using user user defined kernels.
Convolver() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.filter.Convolver
copy(boolean) - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Copies the contents of the current selection to the internal clipboard.
copy(boolean) - Method in class ij.plugin.Clipboard
COPY - Static variable in interface ij.process.Blitter
COPY_INVERTED - Static variable in interface ij.process.Blitter
dst=255-src (8-bits and RGB)
COPY_TRANSPARENT - Static variable in interface ij.process.Blitter
Copies with white pixels transparent.
copyBits(ImageProcessor, int, int, int) - Method in interface ij.process.Blitter
Copies the image in 'src' to (x,y) using the specified mode.
copyBits(ImageProcessor, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ByteBlitter
Copies the byte image in 'ip' to (x,y) using the specified mode.
copyBits(ImageProcessor, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
Copies the image contained in 'ip' to (xloc, yloc) using one of the transfer modes defined in the Blitter interface.
copyBits(ImageProcessor, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ColorBlitter
Copies the RGB image in 'ip' to (x,y) using the specified mode.
copyBits(ImageProcessor, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
Copies the image contained in 'ip' to (xloc, yloc) using one of the transfer modes defined in the Blitter interface.
copyBits(ImageProcessor, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.process.FloatBlitter
Copies the float image in 'ip' to (x,y) using the specified mode.
copyBits(ImageProcessor, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
Copies the image contained in 'ip' to (xloc, yloc) using one of the transfer modes defined in the Blitter interface.
copyBits(ImageProcessor, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Copies the image contained in 'ip' to (xloc, yloc) using one of the transfer modes defined in the Blitter interface.
copyBits(ImageProcessor, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ShortBlitter
Copies the 16-bit image in 'ip' to (x,y) using the specified mode.
copyBits(ImageProcessor, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
Copies the image contained in 'ip' to (xloc, yloc) using one of the transfer modes defined in the Blitter interface.
copyBits(ImageProcessor, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.process.StackProcessor
copyBits(ImageStack, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.process.StackProcessor
copyScale(ImagePlus) - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Copies the calibration of the specified image to this image.
copyToSystem() - Method in class ij.plugin.Clipboard
cores() - Method in class ij.plugin.JavaProperties
count - Static variable in class ij.CompositeImage
count - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Binary
count(int, ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.FractalBoxCounter
COUNT - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.MaximumFinder
Do not create an image, just count maxima and add count to Results table
count - Variable in class ij.process.Cube
count - Variable in class ij.process.FloodFiller
countBuffer - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Projector
counter - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Benchmark
counter - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ParticleAnalyzer
counter - Variable in class ij.plugin.PlotsCanvas
countLines(Reader) - Method in class ij.plugin.TextReader
countMuehlen(Player) - Method in class muehle.logic.Playground
Zählt die offenen und geschlossenen Mühlene eines Spielers auf dem Spielfeld
counts - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.FractalBoxCounter
cp - Variable in class ij.plugin.ColorPanel
cplxFHT(int, int, float[], float[], boolean, float[]) - Method in class ij.plugin.FFT
Build FHT input for equivalent inverse FFT
CPoint - Class in robo.etc
Kapselt einen Punkt mit Integerkoordinaten und einem Farbwert.
CPoint() - Constructor for class robo.etc.CPoint
CPoint(int, int) - Constructor for class robo.etc.CPoint
Initialisiert den Punkt mit den angegebenen Koordinaten und der Farbe Schwarz
CPoint(int, int, Color) - Constructor for class robo.etc.CPoint
Initialisiert den Punkt mit den angegebenen Koordinaten und der angegebenen Farbe
createBufferedImage() - Method in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
createBufferedImage() - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
createColorModel() - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
createEmptyStack() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns an empty image stack that has the same width, height and color table as this image.
createGrayscaleColorModel(boolean) - Static method in class ij.LookUpTable
createHeader(String, ImageProcessor, int) - Method in class ij.plugin.FITS_Writer
createImage(String, String, int, int, int) - Static method in class ij.IJ
Creates a new imagePlus.
createImage(FileInfo, boolean) - Method in class ij.plugin.LutLoader
createImage() - Method in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
createImage() - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
createImage() - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
createImage() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns a copy of this image is the form of an AWT Image.
createImage() - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
Create an 8-bit AWT image by scaling pixels in the range min-max to 0-255.
createImagePlus() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns a new ImagePlus with this ImagePlus' attributes (e.g. spatial scale), but no image.
createLut() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Creates a LookUpTable object corresponding to this image.
createLUT() - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.AVIWriter
createMacro(String) - Method in class ij.plugin.NewPlugin
createMask(ImagePlus) - Method in class ij.plugin.Selection
createMaskFromThreshold(ImagePlus) - Method in class ij.plugin.Selection
createModelFromColor(Color) - Static method in class ij.CompositeImage
createNewImage(ImageProcessor, ImageProcessor, Calibration) - Method in class ij.plugin.ImageCalculator
createNewRoi(int, int) - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Starts the process of creating a new selection, where sx and sy are the starting screen coordinates.
createNewStack(ImagePlus, ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.plugin.Scaler
createOutputStack(ImagePlus, ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.plugin.Slicer
createPlugin(String, int, String) - Method in class ij.plugin.NewPlugin
createProcessor(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
Returns a new, blank ByteProcessor with the specified width and height.
createProcessor(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
Returns a new, blank ShortProcessor with the specified width and height.
createProcessor(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
Returns a new, blank FloatProcessor with the specified width and height.
createProcessor(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns a new, blank processor with the specified width and height.
createProcessor(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
Returns a new, blank ShortProcessor with the specified width and height.
createSelectionFromMask(ImagePlus) - Method in class ij.plugin.Selection
createTextWindow() - Method in class ij.plugin.NewPlugin
createWebCamConfig() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.nachtderwissenschaft.WebCamConfigFactory
createWebCamConfig() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.WebCamConfigFactory
crop() - Method in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
crop() - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
crop() - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
crop() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Creates a new processor containing an image that corresponds to the current ROI.
crop() - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
crop(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.process.StackProcessor
Crops the stack to the specified rectangle.
cTable - Variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Cube - Class in ij.process
Cube() - Constructor for class ij.process.Cube
cueZBuffer - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Projector
cur_accum - Variable in class ij.plugin.LZWEncoder
cur_bits - Variable in class ij.plugin.LZWEncoder
curPos - Variable in class ij.plugin.BMPDecoder
currentArg - Variable in class ij.plugin.ControlPanel
currentChannel - Variable in class ij.CompositeImage
currentMemory() - Static method in class ij.IJ
Returns the amount of memory currently being used by ImageJ.
currentSlice - Variable in class ij.ImagePlus
customFilter(FHT) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.FFTCustomFilter
cx - Variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
cy - Variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor