g - Variable in class ij.plugin.BMPDecoder
g - Variable in class org.lego.navigation.misc.Farbe
g_init_bits - Variable in class ij.plugin.LZWEncoder
gamma(double) - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
GAMMA - Static variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
gamma(double) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Performs gamma correction of the image or ROI.
gamma(double) - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
GaussianBlur - Class in ij.plugin.filter
This plug-in filter uses convolution with a Gaussian function for smoothing.
GaussianBlur() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.filter.GaussianBlur
Default constructor
gct - Variable in class ij.plugin.GifEncoder
GCTbl - Variable in class ij.plugin.GifEncoder
GCTcindex - Variable in class ij.plugin.GifEncoder
GCTextracted - Variable in class ij.plugin.GifEncoder
GCTgrn - Variable in class ij.plugin.GifEncoder
GCTloadedExternal - Variable in class ij.plugin.GifEncoder
GCToverideColor - Variable in class ij.plugin.GifEncoder
GCToverideIndex - Variable in class ij.plugin.GifEncoder
GCTred - Variable in class ij.plugin.GifEncoder
GCTsetTransparent - Variable in class ij.plugin.GifEncoder
gd - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.CalibrationBar
gd - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Convolver
gd - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Rotator
GEL - Static variable in class ij.plugin.GelAnalyzer
gel - Static variable in class ij.plugin.GelAnalyzer
GelAnalyzer - Class in ij.plugin
This plugin generates gel profile plots that can be analyzed using the wand tool.
GelAnalyzer() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.GelAnalyzer
gelb - Variable in class org.lego.navigation.control.WebCamConfig
Erkennungsdaten für die gelben Spielsteine
geschwindigkeit - Variable in class robo.main.Kontrollfeld
gestoppt - Variable in class muehle.player.Player
Speichert den Status des Spielthreads
get(String, String) - Static method in class ij.Prefs
Uses the keyword key to retrieve a string from the preferences file.
get(String, double) - Static method in class ij.Prefs
Uses the keyword key to retrieve a number from the preferences file.
get(String, boolean) - Static method in class ij.Prefs
Uses the keyword key to retrieve a boolean from the preferences file.
get(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
get(int) - Method in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
get(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
get(int) - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
get(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
get(int) - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
get(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
This is a faster version of getPixel() that does not do bounds checking.
get(int) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
get(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
get(int) - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
getActions() - Method in class muehle.logic.Playground
gibt die gespeicherten Actions zurück
getActionValue() - Method in class muehle.logic.Action
gibt die Veränderung des Action-Values zurück, die durch die Aktion entsteht.
getActionValue() - Method in class muehle.logic.DeleteAction
gibt die Veränderung des Action-Values zurück, die durch die DeleteAktion entsteht.
getActionValue() - Method in class muehle.logic.MoveAction
gibt die Veränderung des Action-Values zurück, die durch die MoveAktion entsteht.
getActionValue() - Method in class muehle.logic.SetAction
gibt die Veränderung des Action-Values zurück, die durch die SetAktion entsteht.
getAllCommands() - Method in class ij.plugin.Hotkeys
getAllLastActions() - Method in class muehle.player.Player
gibt einen Vector mit allen Actions zurück, die der Spieler bisher gemacht hat
getApplet() - Static method in class ij.IJ
Returns the Applet that created this ImageJ or null if running as an application.
getArgs() - Static method in class ij.ImageJ
Returns the command line arguments passed to ImageJ.
getAudioClips() - Static method in class muehle.Muehle
getAudioClips(URL) - Static method in class muehle.MuehleApp
getAudioClips() - Static method in class muehle.MuehleLight
getAutoSaveProps() - Method in class ij.plugin.TreePanel
getAutoThreshold() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns a pixel value (threshold) that can be used to divide the image into objects and background.
getAutoThreshold(int[]) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
This is a version of getAutoThreshold() that uses a histogram passed as an argument.
getAvailableMemory() - Method in class ij.plugin.Slicer
getBColor() - Method in class ij.plugin.ScaleBar
getBestIndex(Color) - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
Always returns 0 since RGB images do not use LUTs.
getBestIndex(Color) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns the LUT index that's the best match for this color.
getBild - Variable in class robo.main.NaviView.NVFahrbahnKontrollfeld
getBinaryValue(String, String, String) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.ImageMath
getBitDepth() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns the bit depth, 8, 16, 24 (RGB) or 32.
getBitmapHeader() - Method in class ij.plugin.BMPDecoder
getBlau() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.nachtderwissenschaft.WebCamConfigFactory
getBlau() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.WebCamConfigFactory
getBlau() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.WebCamZimmermannConfig
getBlues() - Method in class ij.LookUpTable
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Static method in class ij.Prefs
Finds a boolean in IJ_Props or IJ_Prefs.txt.
getBrightness() - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
Returns brightness as a FloatProcessor.
getByte() - Method in class ij.plugin.DicomDecoder
getByteRow(ImageStack, int, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Projector
getCalibratedMinAndMax(int, int, float[]) - Method in class ij.process.ByteStatistics
getCalibratedMinAndMax(int[], int, int, float[]) - Method in class ij.process.ShortStatistics
getCalibratedStatistics(int, int, float[]) - Method in class ij.process.ByteStatistics
getCalibration() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns this image's calibration.
getCalibrationTable() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns the calibration table or null.
getCanvas() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns the ImageCanvas being used to display this image, or null.
getCentroid(ImageProcessor, int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ByteStatistics
getCentroid(ImageProcessor, double, double) - Method in class ij.process.FloatStatistics
getCentroid(ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.process.ImageStatistics
getCentroid(ImageProcessor, int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ShortStatistics
getChannelColor() - Method in class ij.CompositeImage
getChannelProcessor() - Method in class ij.CompositeImage
getChannelProcessor() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns a reference to the current ImageProcessor.
getClassFiles() - Method in class ij.plugin.ClassChecker
Returns a list of all the class files in the plugins folder and subfolders of the plugins folder.
getClassLoader() - Static method in class ij.IJ
Returns an instance of the class loader ImageJ uses to run plugins.
getClipboard() - Static method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns the internal clipboard or null if the internal clipboard is empty.
getClone() - Method in class muehle.logic.Playground
Erstellt eine tiefe Kopie des Spielfeldes
getClone() - Method in class muehle.player.ComputerPlayer
clont den Computerspieler, indem ein neuer Spieler gleichen Namens und gleichen Steins mit gleicher Anzahl an gesetzen und übrigen Steinen generiert wird.
getClone() - Method in class muehle.player.HumanPlayer
Diese Methode clont den Menschspieler, indem ein neuer Spieler gleichen Namens und gleichen Steines mit gleicher Anzahl an gesetzen und übrigen Steinen generiert wird.
getClone() - Method in class muehle.player.LearningPlayer
clont den Computerspieler, indem ein neuer Spieler gleichen Namens und gleichen Steins mit gleicher Anzahl an gesetzen und übrigen Steinen generiert wird.
getClone() - Method in class muehle.player.NetClientPlayer
Diese Methode clont den NetClient-Spieler, indem ein neuer Spieler gleichen Namens und gleichen Steines mit gleichem Host und Port erstellt wird und die Steinanzahl entsprechend gesetzt wird.
getClone() - Method in class muehle.player.NetPlayer
Diese Methode clont den NetServer-Spieler, indem ein neuer Spieler gleichen Namens und gleichen Steines mit gleichem Port erstellt wird und die Steinanzahl entsprechend gesetzt wird.
getClone() - Method in class muehle.player.NetServerPlayer
Diese Methode clont den NetServer-Spieler, indem ein neuer Spieler gleichen Namens und gleichen Steines mit gleichem Port erstellt wird und die Steinanzahl entsprechend gesetzt wird.
getClone() - Method in class muehle.player.Player
clont den Spieler indem ein neuer Spieler gleichen Namens und gleichen Steins mit gleicher Anzahl an gesetzen und übrigen Steinen generiert wird.
getClone() - Method in class muehle.player.RoboterComputerPlayer
getClone() - Method in class muehle.player.RoboterHumanPlayer
getClone() - Method in class muehle.player.WebcamHumanPlayer
getColor(String, Color) - Method in class ij.plugin.Colors
getColor(String) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.CalibrationBar
getColor() - Method in class ij.plugin.ScaleBar
getColor(String, Color) - Static method in class ij.Prefs
Finds a color in IJ_Props or IJ_Prefs.txt.
getColor(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
getColor() - Method in class muehle.logic.Stone
Gibt die Farbe des Steins zurück
getColorCount() - Method in class ij.process.MedianCut
getColorModel() - Method in class ij.ImageStack
Returns this stack's color model.
getColorModel() - Method in class ij.LookUpTable
getColorModel() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns this processor's color model.
getColorName(Color, String) - Method in class ij.plugin.Colors
getColors(ColorModel) - Method in class ij.LookUpTable
getColumn(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns the pixel values down the column starting at (x,y).
getColumnID(String) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.ParticleAnalyzer
getCommand() - Static method in class ij.Executer
Returns the last command executed.
getCommands() - Static method in class ij.Menus
Returns the hashtable that associates commands with plugins.
getComplexTransform() - Method in class ij.process.FHT
Converts this FHT to a complex Fourier transform and returns it as a two slice stack.
getComputerClone(Heuristic) - Method in class muehle.player.HumanPlayer
getConfigurationFile(String) - Method in class ij.Menus
Opens the configuration file ("plugins.txt") from a JAR file and returns it as an InputStream.
getCopy() - Method in class ij.process.FHT
Returns a clone of this FHT.
getCounter() - Static method in class ij.plugin.filter.Analyzer
Returns the current measurement count.
getCurrentColorModel() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns the current color model, which may have been modified by setMinAndMax() or setThreshold().
getCurrentDir() - Method in interface robo.navigate.IVehicle
Liefert die Richtung des Roboters im Bogenmaß
getCurrentDir() - Method in class robo.navigate.VehicleSimulationWithBluetooth
getCurrentDir() - Method in class robo.navigate.VehicleWithBluetooth
getCurrentImage() - Static method in class ij.WindowManager
Returns the active ImagePlus.
getCurrentIndex() - Static method in class ij.WindowManager
getCurrentSlice() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns the current stack slice number or 1 if this is a single image.
getCurrentWindow() - Static method in class ij.WindowManager
Returns the active ImageWindow.
getCurvature(int[], int[], int) - Method in class ij.plugin.Selection
getData(String) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Calibrator
getdBA() - Static method in class org.lego.libraries.NXT
gibt die Lautstärke zurück
getDebugImg() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.img.Bilderkennung
Gibt das aktuell gespeicherte Bild zurück.
getDebugImg(int) - Method in class org.lego.navigation.img.Bilderkennung
Gibt eine Ebene des HSV-Bildes zurück
getDefault() - Static method in class org.lego.libraries.Activator
Returns the shared instance
getDefault() - Static method in class org.lego.navigation.control.Config
Gibt die statische Instanz der Config zurück.
getDefault() - Static method in class org.lego.navigation.control.nachtderwissenschaft.Config
Gibt die statische Instanz der Config zur?ck.
getDefault(Image) - Static method in class org.lego.navigation.img.Bilderkennung
getDefault() - Static method in class org.lego.navigation.img.Bilderkennung
gibt eine Referenz zu der Bilderkennung zurück
getDefault() - Static method in class org.lego.navigation.img.Webcam
getDefault() - Static method in class robo.spiel.PolyWegSpeicher
Gibt die einzige Instanz des Speichers zurück
getDefaultColorModel() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns the default grayscale IndexColorModel.
getDefaultLocation() - Method in class ij.plugin.TreePanel
getDeleteAction(int) - Method in class muehle.player.Player
getDepthToThink() - Method in class muehle.player.ComputerPlayer
getDepthToThink() - Method in class muehle.player.Player
getDestination() - Method in class muehle.logic.Action
gibt das Ziel der Action zurück
getDicomInfo() - Method in class ij.plugin.DicomDecoder
getDictionary() - Method in class ij.plugin.DicomDictionary
getDigits(int) - Method in class ij.plugin.StackWriter
getDimensions() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns the dimensions of this image (width, height, nChannels, nSlices, nFrames) as a 5 element int array.
getDir(String) - Static method in class ij.Macro
getDirectory(String) - Static method in class ij.IJ
Returns the path to the home ("user.home"), startup (ImageJ directory), plugins, macros, temp, current or image directory if title is "home", "startup", "plugins", "macros", "temp", "current" or "image", otherwise, displays a dialog and returns the path to the directory selected by the user.
getDirectory() - Method in class ij.VirtualStack
Returns the path to the directory containing the images.
getDoScaling() - Static method in class ij.process.ImageConverter
Returns true if scaling is enabled.
getDosenVerzerrung() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.nachtderwissenschaft.WebCamConfigFactory
getDosenVerzerrung() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.WebCamConfigFactory
getDosenVerzerrung() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.WebCamZimmermannConfig
getDouble(String, double) - Static method in class ij.Prefs
Looks up a real number in IJ_Props or IJ_Prefs.txt.
getEdgePixel(byte[], int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
getEdgePixel0(byte[], int, int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
getEditor() - Method in class ij.plugin.NewPlugin
Returns the Editor the newly created macro or plugin was opened in.
getEllipseParam() - Method in class ij.process.EllipseFitter
getEvalHeuristic() - Method in class muehle.player.Player
Gibt die EvalHeuristik zurück
getEvaluatedValueOfPlayground() - Method in class muehle.player.ComputerPlayer
getf(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
getf(int) - Method in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
getf(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
getf(int) - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
getf(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
getf(int) - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
getf(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
getf(int) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
getf(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
getf(int) - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
getFarbe(int, int) - Method in class org.lego.navigation.img.Bilderkennung
Liefert den Farbwert (HSV) am Punkt(x, y) zurück.
getFarbe() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.img.Ellipse
getFarbe(int, int) - Method in class org.lego.navigation.img.Farben
getFarbe(int, int) - Method in class org.lego.navigation.img.ScanNeu
Gibt die Farbe eines Punktes zurück
getFarbe() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.misc.RGBPoint
getFarbeMittelwert() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.img.ScanNeu
sucht den Mittelwert der Farbe (Hue) im aktuellen ROI Da 256 = 0 ist im HSV-Farbmodell, müssen wir hier etwas mehr Aufwand betreiben.
getFFTLocation(int, int, Calibration) - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
getFileHeader() - Method in class ij.plugin.BMPDecoder
getFileInfo() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns a FileInfo object containing information, including the pixel array, needed to save this image.
getFileInfo() - Method in class ij.plugin.DicomDecoder
getFileName() - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Analyzer
getFileName(int) - Method in class ij.VirtualStack
Returns the file name of the specified slice, were 1<=n<=nslices.
getFileSeparator() - Static method in class ij.Prefs
Returns the file.separator system property.
getFilter(int) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.FFTCustomFilter
getFlaeche() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.img.Ellipse
getFloatArray() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
getFont() - Static method in class ij.Menus
getFontHeight() - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.CalibrationBar
getFontMetrics() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns the current FontMetrics.
getFontSize() - Static method in class ij.Menus
Returns the size (in points) used for the fonts in ImageJ menus.
getFrame() - Method in class ij.plugin.TreePanel
getFrame(String) - Static method in class ij.WindowManager
Returns the frame with the specified title or null if a frame with that title is not found.
getFrameRate() - Static method in class ij.plugin.Animator
Returns the current animation speed in frames per second.
getFrameRate() - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.AVIWriter
getFreePositionBitSet() - Method in class muehle.logic.Playground
getFreePositions() - Method in class muehle.logic.Playground
Liefert einen Vector, der die Positionen der leeren Felder enthält.
getFrontWindow() - Static method in class ij.WindowManager
Returns the front most window or null.
getFunctionList(boolean) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Calibrator
getGelb() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.nachtderwissenschaft.WebCamConfigFactory
getGelb() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.WebCamConfigFactory
getGelb() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.WebCamZimmermannConfig
getGelb() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.img.Farben
getGelbHSV() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.img.Farben
getGlobalCalibration() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns the system-wide calibration, or null.
getGreens() - Method in class ij.LookUpTable
getGruen() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.nachtderwissenschaft.WebCamConfigFactory
getGruen() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.WebCamConfigFactory
getGruen() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.img.Farben
getGruenHSV() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.img.Farben
getHeaderInfo(int, String) - Method in class ij.plugin.DicomDecoder
getHeaderInfo() - Method in class ij.plugin.FitsDecoder
getHeight() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
getHeight() - Method in class ij.ImageStack
getHeight() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns the height of this image in pixels.
getHeight() - Static method in class org.lego.navigation.img.Webcam
getHeuristic() - Method in class muehle.player.ComputerPlayer
getHilfspunktSchwarz(int) - Method in class robo.spiel.PolyWegSpeicher
Gibt einen Stützpunkt zur Rückfahrt vom Speicher an.
getHilfspunktWeiss(int) - Method in class robo.spiel.PolyWegSpeicher
Gibt einen Stützpunkt zur Rückfahrt vom Speicher an.
getHistogram() - Method in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
getHistogram(ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
getHistogram() - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
getHistogram(ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
getHistogram() - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
Not implemented.
getHistogram() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns the histogram of the image or ROI.
getHistogram() - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
Returns 65536 bin histogram of the current ROI, which can be non-rectangular.
getHistogram(ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
getHistogramMax() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns the maximum histogram value used for histograms of float images.
getHistogramMin() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns the minimum histogram value used for histograms of float images.
getHistogramSize() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns the number of float image histogram bins.
getHomeDir() - Static method in class ij.Prefs
Returns the path to the ImageJ directory.
getHSB(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
Returns hue, saturation and brightness in 3 byte arrays.
getID() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns this image's unique numeric ID.
getId() - Method in class muehle.logic.Stone
getIDList() - Static method in class ij.WindowManager
Returns a list of the IDs of open images.
getImage() - Method in class ij.CompositeImage
getImage() - Static method in class ij.IJ
Returns a reference to the active image.
getImage() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns the current AWT image.
getImage(int) - Static method in class ij.WindowManager
For IDs less than zero, returns the ImagePlus with the specified ID.
getImage(String) - Static method in class ij.WindowManager
Returns the first image that has the specified title or null if it is not found.
getImageArray() - Method in class ij.ImageStack
Returns the stack as an array of 1D pixel arrays.
getImageArray() - Method in class ij.VirtualStack
Returns null.
getImageCount() - Static method in class ij.WindowManager
Returns the number of open images.
getImageDescriptor(String) - Static method in class org.lego.libraries.Activator
Returns an image descriptor for the image file at the given plug-in relative path
getImageFromPictStream(InputStream) - Method in class ij.plugin.Clipboard
getImageInfo(ImagePlus, ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Info
getImageStack() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns the base image stack.
getImageStackSize() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
If this is a stack, returns the actual number of images in the stack, else returns 1.
getImagesURL() - Static method in class ij.Prefs
Returns the URL of the directory that contains the ImageJ sample images.
getIndex(String[]) - Method in class ij.plugin.Distribution
getIndexSampleModel() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
getInfo(ImagePlus, ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Info
getInfo() - Method in class ij.plugin.FitsDecoder
getInstalledCommands() - Method in class ij.plugin.Hotkeys
getInstance() - Static method in class ij.IJ
Returns a reference to the "ImageJ" frame.
getInt() - Method in class ij.plugin.DicomDecoder
getInt(StreamTokenizer) - Method in class ij.plugin.PGM_Reader
getInt(String, int) - Static method in class ij.Prefs
Finds an int in IJ_Props or IJ_Prefs.txt.
getIntArray() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
getInteger(String) - Method in class ij.plugin.FitsDecoder
getInterpolate() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns the value of the interpolate field.
getInterpolatedPixel(double, double) - Method in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
Uses bilinear interpolation to find the pixel value at real coordinates (x,y).
getInterpolatedPixel(double, double) - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
Calls getPixelValue(x,y).
getInterpolatedPixel(double, double) - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
Uses bilinear interpolation to find the pixel value at real coordinates (x,y).
getInterpolatedPixel(double, double) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Uses bilinear interpolation to find the pixel value at real coordinates (x,y).
getInterpolatedPixel(double, double) - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
Uses bilinear interpolation to find the pixel value at real coordinates (x,y).
getInterpolatedRGBPixel(double, double) - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
Uses bilinear interpolation to find the pixel value at real coordinates (x,y).
getInterpolatedValue(double, double) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Uses bilinear interpolation to find the pixel value at real coordinates (x,y).
getIrregularProfile(Roi, ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.plugin.Slicer
getJ() - Method in class ij.plugin.Timer2
getJClass() - Static method in class ij.plugin.Timer2
getJFinal() - Method in class ij.plugin.Timer2
getLambda() - Method in class muehle.player.ComputerPlayer
getLambda() - Method in class muehle.player.LearningPlayer
getLastAction() - Method in class muehle.player.Player
gibt die Aktion zurück, die der Player als letztes gemacht hat
getLastFree(int) - Static method in class robo.spiel.RoboterInterface
Liefert letzte freie Speicherstelle.
getLed() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.nachtderwissenschaft.WebCamConfigFactory
getLed() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.WebCamConfigFactory
getLed() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.WebCamJoachimConfig
getLed() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.WebCamZimmermannConfig
getLength() - Method in class ij.plugin.DicomDecoder
getLength(PolygonRoi) - Method in class ij.plugin.Selection
getLengthDefault() - Method in interface robo.navigate.IVehicle
getLengthDefault() - Method in class robo.navigate.VehicleSimulationWithBluetooth
getLengthDefault() - Method in class robo.navigate.VehicleWithBluetooth
getLine(double, double, double, double) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns an array containing the pixel values along the line starting at (x1,y1) and ending at (x2,y2).
getLocalCalibration() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns this image's local calibration, ignoring the "Global" calibration flag.
getLocation(String) - Static method in class ij.Prefs
Uses the keyword key to retrieve a location from the preferences file.
getLocationAsString(int, int) - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Converts the current cursor location to a string.
getLut(int) - Method in class ij.plugin.DicomDecoder
getLutUpdateMode() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns the LUT update mode, which can be RED_LUT, BLACK_AND_WHITE_LUT, OVER_UNDER_LUT or NO_LUT_UPDATE.
getMacImage(Transferable) - Method in class ij.plugin.Clipboard
getMacroCount() - Method in class ij.plugin.MacroInstaller
getMacroShortcuts() - Static method in class ij.Menus
Returns the hashtable that associates keyboard shortcuts with macros.
getMacrosMenu() - Static method in class ij.Menus
getMacrosPath() - Static method in class ij.Menus
Returns the path to the macros directory or null if the macros directory was not found.
getMajor() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.img.Ellipse
getMapSize() - Method in class ij.LookUpTable
getMapSize() - Method in class ij.plugin.ColorPanel
getMask() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
For images with irregular ROIs, returns a byte mask, otherwise, returns null.
getMask() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
For images with irregular ROIs, returns a mask, otherwise, returns null.
getMask(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.PolygonFiller
Returns a byte mask containing a filled version of the polygon.
getMaskArray() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns the mask byte array, or null if there is no mask.
getMax(int) - Method in class ij.CompositeImage
getMax() - Method in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
Returns the largest displayed pixel value.
getMax() - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
Returns the largest displayed pixel value.
getMax() - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
Returns the largest displayed pixel value.
getMax() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns the largest displayed pixel value.
getMax() - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
Returns the largest displayed pixel value.
getMaxThreshold() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns the upper threshold level.
getMeans() - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Calibrator
getMeasurements() - Static method in class ij.plugin.filter.Analyzer
getMemorySetting() - Method in class ij.plugin.Memory
getMemorySetting(String) - Method in class ij.plugin.Memory
getMenuBar() - Static method in class ij.Menus
getMin(int) - Method in class ij.CompositeImage
getMin() - Method in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
Returns the smallest displayed pixel value.
getMin() - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
Returns the smallest displayed pixel value.
getMin() - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
Returns the smallest displayed pixel value.
getMin() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns the smallest displayed pixel value.
getMin() - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
Returns the smallest displayed pixel value.
getMinimumSize() - Method in class ij.plugin.ColorPanel
getMinor() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.img.Ellipse
getMinThreshold() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns the lower threshold level.
getModalColor() - Method in class ij.process.MedianCut
getMode() - Method in class ij.process.FloatStatistics
getMode() - Method in class ij.process.ShortStatistics
getMode(Calibration) - Method in class ij.process.StackStatistics
getMoments() - Method in class ij.process.EllipseFitter
getMouseZone(int, int) - Method in class ij.plugin.ColorPanel
getMove(int) - Method in class robo.spiel.PolyWegSpeicher
Gibt den Pfad vom Mittelpunkt zur Spielposition mit dem angegebenen Index zurück
getMoveAction(int, int) - Method in class muehle.player.Player
getMoveZurueck(int) - Method in class robo.spiel.PolyWegSpeicher
getMuehlen(int) - Static method in class muehle.logic.Position
getMuehlenMask() - Static method in class muehle.logic.Position
getName(String) - Static method in class ij.Macro
getName(String) - Method in class ij.plugin.ClassChecker
getName(ImagePlus) - Method in class ij.plugin.NextImageOpener
getName() - Method in class ij.plugin.TextReader
Returns the file name.
getName() - Method in class muehle.player.Player
gibt den Namen des Players zurück
getNChannels() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns the number of channels.
getNChannels() - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
Returns the number of color channels of the image, i.e., 3.
getNChannels() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns the number of color channels in the image.
getNeighbours(int) - Static method in class muehle.logic.Position
getNewScale(String, double) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.ImageProperties
getNext(String, String, boolean) - Method in class ij.plugin.NextImageOpener
gets the next image name in a directory list
getNextAction(Player, Playground, boolean) - Static method in class robo.spiel.WebcamInterface
Überprüft die aktuelle Spielsituation und speichert sie ab.
getNextOccupied(int) - Static method in class robo.spiel.RoboterInterface
Liefertänächste belegte Speicherstelle.
getNextTag() - Method in class ij.plugin.DicomDecoder
getNFrames() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns the number of frames (time-points).
getNonImageWindows() - Static method in class ij.WindowManager
Returns an array containing a list of the non-image windows.
getNSlices() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns the image depth (number of z-slices).
getNthImageID(int) - Static method in class ij.WindowManager
Returns the ID of the Nth open image.
getNum(StringTokenizer) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Calibrator
getNumber(String, double) - Static method in class ij.IJ
Allows the user to enter a number in a dialog box.
getNumber() - Method in class ij.plugin.Converter
getNumber(Object) - Method in class ij.plugin.FolderOpenerDialog
getNumberOfInitStones() - Method in class muehle.player.Player
gibt die Anzahl der Spielsteine zurück, die der Player noch setzen darf.
getNumberOfPlayersMoveActions(Player) - Method in class muehle.logic.Playground
getNumberOfStones() - Method in class muehle.player.Player
gibt die Anzahl der Spielsteine zurück, die der Player auf dem Spielfeld hat.
getNumericTag(String, String) - Method in class ij.plugin.DICOM_Sorter
getOpponent() - Method in class muehle.player.Player
gibt den Gegner des aktuellen Spielers zurück
getOpponentsStone() - Method in class muehle.logic.Stone
Gibt den gegnerischen Stein dieses Steins zurück.
getOptions() - Static method in class ij.Macro
If a command started using run(name, options) is running, returns the options string, otherwise, returns null.
getOriginalFileInfo() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns the FileInfo object that was used to open this image.
getOutputStackSize(double, double, int) - Method in class ij.plugin.Slicer
getPalette() - Method in class ij.plugin.BMPDecoder
getPanelForNode(DefaultMutableTreeNode) - Method in class ij.plugin.ControlPanel
getPanels() - Method in class ij.plugin.ControlPanel
getPassendeResultRows(ResultsTable, Ellipse) - Method in class org.lego.navigation.img.ScanNeu
Wähle aus einem Resultset die Ellipsen mit passenden Parametern aus
getPassendeResultRows(ResultsTable, int, int) - Method in class org.lego.navigation.img.ScanNeu
Sucht aus einer ResultsTable diejenige(n) Ellipse(n) heraus, die den Punkt (x,y) enthalten.
getPixel(int, int) - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns the pixel value at (x,y) as a 4 element array.
getPixel(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
getPixel(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
getPixel(int, int, int[]) - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
Returns the 3 samples for the pixel at (x,y) in an array of int.
getPixel(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
Returns a pixel value that must be converted using Float.intBitsToFloat().
getPixel(int, int, int[]) - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
Returns the value of the pixel at (x,y) in a one element int array. iArray is an optiona preallocated array.
getPixel(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns the value of the pixel at (x,y).
getPixel(int, int, int[]) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns the samples for the pixel at (x,y) in an int array.
getPixel(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
getPixelCount() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
getPixelData() - Method in class ij.plugin.BMPDecoder
getPixels(int) - Method in class ij.ImageStack
Returns the pixel array for the specified slice, were 1<=n<=nslices.
getPixels(ImageStack, int, int) - Method in class ij.plugin.RGBStackMerge
getPixels() - Method in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
Returns a reference to the byte array containing this image's pixel data.
getPixels() - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
Returns a reference to the int array containing this image's pixel data.
getPixels() - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
Returns a reference to the float array containing this image's pixel data.
getPixels() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns a reference to this image's pixel array.
getPixels() - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
Returns a reference to the short array containing this image's pixel data.
getPixels(int) - Method in class ij.VirtualStack
Returns the pixel array for the specified slice, were 1<=n<=nslices.
getPixelsCopy() - Method in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
Returns a copy of the pixel data.
getPixelsCopy() - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
Returns a copy of the pixel data.
getPixelsCopy() - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
Returns a copy of the pixel data.
getPixelsCopy() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns a copy of the pixel data.
getPixelsCopy() - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
Returns a copy of the pixel data.
getPixelValue(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
getPixelValue(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
Converts the specified pixel to grayscale using the formula g=(r+g+b)/3 and returns it as a float.
getPixelValue(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
Returns the value of the pixel at (x,y) as a float.
getPixelValue(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns the value of the pixel at (x,y).
getPixelValue(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
Returns the value of the pixel at (x,y) as a float.
getPixPerSpeed() - Method in interface robo.navigate.IVehicle
Liefert den Umrechnungsfaktor Pixel / Geschwindigkeit
getPixPerSpeed() - Method in class robo.navigate.VehicleSimulationWithBluetooth
getPixPerSpeed() - Method in class robo.navigate.VehicleWithBluetooth
getPlayer() - Method in class muehle.logic.Action
gibt den Player zurück, der diese Action durchführt
getPlayer() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.img.Webcam
getPlayersActions(Player) - Method in class muehle.logic.Playground
Gibt alle im Moment möglichen Actions eines Spielers zurück.
getPlayersFreeStones(Stone) - Method in class muehle.logic.Playground
Liefert einen Vector, der die Positionen der Steine eines Typs enthält, die sich NICHT in einer Mühle befinden.
getPlayersStones(Stone) - Method in class muehle.logic.Playground
Liefert einen Vector, der die Positionen der Steine eines Typs enthält.
getPlugins() - Static method in class ij.Menus
Returns a list of the plugins in the plugins menu.
getPlugins() - Method in class ij.plugin.Installer
getPlugInsPath() - Static method in class ij.Menus
Returns the path to the user plugins directory or null if the plugins directory was not found.
getPluginsPath() - Method in class ij.plugin.ControlPanel
getPluginsSubmenu(String) - Method in class ij.Menus
getPolygon() - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.ThresholdToSelection.Outline
getPolyweg() - Method in class robo.data.Move
Gibt die Liste der Positionen von diesem Move zurück.
getPopupMenu() - Static method in class ij.Menus
getPort() - Static method in class ij.ImageJ
Returns the port that ImageJ checks on startup to see if another instance is running.
getPowerSpectrum() - Method in class ij.process.FHT
Returns an 8-bit power spectrum, log-scaled to 1-254.
getPrecision() - Static method in class ij.plugin.filter.Analyzer
Returns the number of digits displayed to the right of decimal point.
getPreferredLocation() - Method in class ij.ImageJ
getPreferredSize() - Method in class ij.plugin.ColorPanel
getPrefsDir() - Static method in class ij.Prefs
Gets the path to the directory where the preferences file (IJPrefs.txt) is saved.
getProcessor(int) - Method in class ij.CompositeImage
getProcessor() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns a reference to the current ImageProcessor.
getProcessor(int) - Method in class ij.ImageStack
Returns an ImageProcessor for the specified slice, were 1<=n<=nslices.
getProcessor(int) - Method in class ij.VirtualStack
Returns an ImageProcessor for the specified slice, were 1<=n<=nslices.
getProgram() - Method in class ij.plugin.MacroInstaller
getProgressBar() - Method in class ij.ImageJ
getProjection() - Method in class ij.plugin.ZProjector
Retrieve results of most recent projection operation.
getProperties() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns this image's Properties.
getProperty(String) - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns the property associated with 'key'.
getProposalAction() - Method in class muehle.player.HumanPlayer
getProposalAction() - Method in class muehle.player.Player
getProposalDrop() - Method in class muehle.player.HumanPlayer
getProposalDrop() - Method in class muehle.player.Player
getQs() - Method in class muehle.player.ComputerPlayer
getQuality() - Static method in class ij.plugin.JpegWriter
getQuality() - Method in interface robo.navigate.IVehicle
Liefert ein Maß für die Qualität der momentanen Positionsbestimmung zwischen 0 und 1. 1 bedeutet hohe Genauigkeit
getQuality() - Method in class robo.navigate.VehicleSimulationWithBluetooth
getQuality() - Method in class robo.navigate.VehicleWithBluetooth
Qualität der derzeiten Position anhand der Fehlversuche
getRandomRadius() - Method in class muehle.player.ComputerPlayer
getRawMinAndMax(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ImageStatistics
getRawMinAndMax(int[], int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ShortStatistics
getRawStatistics(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ImageStatistics
getReady() - Method in interface robo.navigate.IVehicle
Liefert den Bereitschaftsstatus des Roboters
getReady() - Method in class robo.navigate.VehicleSimulationWithBluetooth
getReady() - Method in class robo.navigate.VehicleWithBluetooth
Fahrzeug bereit?
getRealSpeed() - Method in class robo.navigate.Navigator
Liefert anhand der Entfernung zum Ziel, der Bildqualität der Position etc. die momentan gefahrene Geschwindigkeit.
getRedirectImage(ImagePlus) - Static method in class ij.plugin.filter.Analyzer
Returns the image selected in the "Redirect To:" popup menu of the Analyze/Set Measurements dialog or null if "None" is selected, the image was not found or the image is not the same size as currentImage.
getRedirectStats(int, Roi) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Analyzer
getReds() - Method in class ij.LookUpTable
getResultsTable() - Static method in class ij.plugin.filter.Analyzer
Returns the ImageJ results table.
getRGB(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
Returns the red, green and blue planes as 3 byte arrays.
getRGBRow(ImageStack, int, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Projector
getRGBSampleModel() - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
getRGBStack(ImagePlus) - Method in class ij.CompositeImage
getRoboterpos(double, double, double) - Method in class org.lego.navigation.img.Bilderkennung
sucht auf dem Bild nach dem Roboter anhand der in der Config abgespeicherten Ellipsen-Werte für Rot und Grün.
getRoboterposMitInitialisierung() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.img.Bilderkennung
Der Roboter wird neu initialisiert.
getRoboterVerzerrung() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.nachtderwissenschaft.WebCamConfigFactory
getRoboterVerzerrung() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.WebCamConfigFactory
getRoboterVerzerrung() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.WebCamZimmermannConfig
getRoi() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
getRoi() - Method in class ij.ImageStack
getRoi() - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.ThresholdToSelection
getRoi() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns a Rectangle that represents the current region of interest.
getRoot() - Method in class ij.plugin.ControlPanel
getRootNode() - Method in class ij.plugin.TreePanel
getRootPath() - Method in class ij.plugin.TreePanel
getRosa() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.nachtderwissenschaft.WebCamConfigFactory
getRosa() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.WebCamConfigFactory
getRosa() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.WebCamJoachimConfig
getRosa() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.WebCamZimmermannConfig
getRot() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.nachtderwissenschaft.WebCamConfigFactory
getRot() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.WebCamConfigFactory
getRot() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.img.Farben
getRotHSV() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.img.Farben
getRow(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns the pixel values along the horizontal line starting at (x,y).
getRow2(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
getScale(float[]) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Convolver
getScaleFactor() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.nachtderwissenschaft.WebCamConfigFactory
getScaleFactor() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.WebCamConfigFactory
getScaleFactor() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.WebCamJoachimConfig
getScaleFactor() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.WebCamLegoConfig
getScaleFactor() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.WebCamZimmermannConfig
getScan() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.img.Bilderkennung
getSchwarz() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.nachtderwissenschaft.WebCamConfigFactory
getSchwarz() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.WebCamConfigFactory
getSchwarz() - Static method in class robo.spiel.RoboterInterface
Zu Testzwecken, solange die KI nicht benutzt wird
getScreenSize() - Static method in class ij.IJ
Returns the size, in pixels, of the primary display.
getSD() - Static method in class ij.plugin.filter.Filters
Returns the default standard deviation used by Process/Noise/Add Specified Noise.
getSeries(String) - Method in class ij.plugin.DICOM_Sorter
getSetAction(int) - Method in class muehle.player.Player
getShort() - Method in class ij.plugin.DicomDecoder
getShortcuts() - Static method in class ij.Menus
Returns the hashtable that associates shortcuts with commands.
getShortSliceLabel(int) - Method in class ij.ImageStack
Returns a shortened version (up to the first 60 characters or first newline and suffix removed) of the label of the specified slice.
getShortTitle() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns a shortened version of image name that does not include spaces or a file name extension.
getSign() - Method in class muehle.logic.Stone
Gibt das Symbol des Steins zurück
getSituationValue(Stone) - Method in class muehle.logic.Playground
Gibt das Heuristik-Feature SituationValue zurück Das ist die Anzahl der potentiellen Zugmöglichkeiten, also die Anzahl der Zugmöglichkeiten, wenn alle Nachbarfelder von eigenen Feldern frei wären.
getSituationValue() - Method in class muehle.player.Player
Gibt die Bewertung der Heuristik für die eigene Situation zurück
getSize() - Method in class ij.ImageStack
Returns the number of slices in this stack.
getSize(double, double, int) - Method in class ij.plugin.Slicer
getSize() - Method in class ij.VirtualStack
Returns the number of slices in this stack.
getSlice(ImagePlus, double, double, double, double, String) - Method in class ij.plugin.Slicer
getSliceLabel(int) - Method in class ij.ImageStack
Returns the label of the specified slice, were 1<=n<=nslices.
getSliceLabel(int) - Method in class ij.VirtualStack
Returns the file name of the Nth image.
getSliceLabels() - Method in class ij.ImageStack
Returns the slice labels as an array of Strings.
getSliceNumber() - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilterRunner
Return the slice number currently processed by the calling thread.
getSnapshotPixels() - Method in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
getSnapshotPixels() - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
Returns a reference to the snapshot pixel array.
getSnapshotPixels() - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
getSnapshotPixels() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns a reference to the snapshot (undo) buffer, or null.
getSnapshotPixels() - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
getSortedMaxPoints(ImageProcessor, ByteProcessor, boolean, boolean, float, double) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.MaximumFinder
Find all local maxima (irrespective whether they finally qualify as maxima or not)
getSortStrings(ImageStack, String) - Method in class ij.plugin.DICOM_Sorter
getSource() - Method in class muehle.logic.MoveAction
Gibt die Position zurück, an der der Stein vor dem Verschieben lag.
getSpatialScale(FileInfo, String) - Method in class ij.plugin.DicomDecoder
getSpeed() - Method in class robo.navigate.Navigator
getSpeedL() - Method in interface robo.navigate.IVehicle
Liefert die Geschwindigkeit des linken Rades
getSpeedL() - Method in class robo.navigate.VehicleSimulationWithBluetooth
getSpeedL() - Method in class robo.navigate.VehicleWithBluetooth
getSpeedR() - Method in interface robo.navigate.IVehicle
Liefert die Geschwindigkeit des rechten Rades
getSpeedR() - Method in class robo.navigate.VehicleSimulationWithBluetooth
getSpeedR() - Method in class robo.navigate.VehicleWithBluetooth
getSpeedWish() - Method in class robo.navigate.Navigator
Liefert die Geschwindigkeit, die der Navigator gerade gerne fahren würde, woran er allerdings möglicherweise vom Kondensator gehindert wird.
getSpeicherSchwarz(int) - Method in class robo.spiel.PolyWegSpeicher
Gibt den Pfad vom Mittelpunkt zur Abstellstelle des schwarzen Spielers mit dem angegebenen Index zurück.
getSpeicherSchwarzZurueck(int) - Method in class robo.spiel.PolyWegSpeicher
getSpeicherWeiss(int) - Method in class robo.spiel.PolyWegSpeicher
Gibt den Pfad vom Mittelpunkt zur Abstellstelle des weißen Spielers mit dem angegebenen Index zurück.
getSpeicherWeissZurueck(int) - Method in class robo.spiel.PolyWegSpeicher
getSpielfeldbegrenzung() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.img.Bilderkennung
liefert die Koordinaten der rosa Kreise am Spielfeldrand
getSpielpunkte(int) - Method in class org.lego.navigation.img.Bilderkennung
Sucht sämtliche Spielpunkte auf dem Bild
getStack() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns the image stack.
getStackSize() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
If this is a stack, returns the number of slices, else returns 1.
getStartTime() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns the time in milliseconds when startTiming() was last called.
getStatistics() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns an ImageStatistics object generated using the standard measurement options (area, mean, mode, min and max).
getStatistics(int) - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns an ImageStatistics object generated using the specified measurement options.
getStatistics(int, int) - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns an ImageStatistics object generated using the specified measurement options and histogram bin count.
getStatistics(int, int, double, double) - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns an ImageStatistics object generated using the specified measurement options, histogram bin count and histogram range.
getStatistics(ImageProcessor, int, Calibration) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.ParticleAnalyzer
getStatistics(ImageProcessor, double, double) - Method in class ij.process.FloatStatistics
getStatistics(ImageProcessor, int, Calibration) - Static method in class ij.process.ImageStatistics
getStatistics(ImageProcessor, int[], int, int, float[]) - Method in class ij.process.ShortStatistics
getStatusPanel() - Method in class muehle.Muehle
Gibt das StatusPanel dieser Mühle zurück.
getStatusPanel() - Method in class muehle.MuehleApp
Gibt das StatusPanel dieser Mühle zurück.
getStatusPanel() - Method in class muehle.MuehleLight
Gibt das StatusPanel dieser Mühle zurück.
getStatusPanel(StatusPanel) - Method in class muehle.player.NetPlayer
getStatusPanel(StatusPanel) - Method in class muehle.player.Player
getStone() - Method in class muehle.logic.Action
gibt den Spielstein des Players zurück, der diese Action durchführt
getStone(int) - Method in class muehle.logic.Playground
Gibt den aktuellen Stein an Position p zurück.
getStone() - Method in class muehle.player.Player
gibt den Spielstein des Players zurück
getStones() - Method in class muehle.logic.Playground
Gibt das BitSet-Array in welchen die Steinbelegung des Playgroundsgespeichert ist zurück
getString(String, String) - Static method in class ij.IJ
Allows the user to enter a string in a dialog box.
getString(int) - Method in class ij.plugin.DicomDecoder
getString(String, String, String) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Duplicater
getString(int) - Method in class ij.plugin.FitsDecoder
getString(String) - Static method in class ij.Prefs
Finds an string in IJ_Props or IJ_Prefs.txt.
getString(String, String) - Static method in class ij.Prefs
Finds an string in IJ_Props or IJ_Prefs.txt.
getStringWidth(String) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns the width in pixels of the specified string.
getStrippedPlugins(String[]) - Method in class ij.Menus
Returns a list of the plugins with directory names removed.
getSubdirectoryClassFiles(String, String, Vector) - Method in class ij.plugin.ClassChecker
Looks for class files in a subfolders of the plugins folder.
getSubdirectoryPlugins(String, String, Vector) - Method in class ij.plugin.Installer
Looks for plugins in a subdirectorie of the plugins directory.
getSubmenuName(String) - Method in class ij.Menus
getTag(String, String) - Method in class ij.plugin.DICOM_Sorter
getTempCurrentImage() - Static method in class ij.WindowManager
Returns tempCurrentImage, which may be null.
getTextPanel() - Static method in class ij.IJ
Returns a reference to the "Results" window TextPanel.
getThread(Thread) - Method in class muehle.player.HumanPlayer
getThread(Thread) - Method in class muehle.player.NetPlayer
getThread(Thread) - Method in class muehle.player.Player
getThreads() - Static method in class ij.Prefs
Returns the number of threads used by PlugInFilters to process stacks.
getTimeToThink() - Method in class muehle.player.ComputerPlayer
gibt die Spielstärke zurück
getTimeToThink() - Method in class muehle.player.Player
getTimeUsedByPlayer() - Method in class muehle.player.Player
getTitle() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns the image name.
getTitle(ImagePlus, int) - Method in class ij.plugin.StackEditor
getTitle() - Method in class ij.plugin.TreePanel
getTransferData(DataFlavor) - Method in class ij.plugin.Clipboard
getTransferDataFlavors() - Method in class ij.plugin.Clipboard
getTransparentIndex() - Static method in class ij.plugin.GifWriter
Returns the transparent index (0-255), or -1 if transparency is disabled.
getTree() - Method in class ij.plugin.TreePanel
getTreeCommands() - Method in class ij.plugin.ControlPanel
getType() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns the current image type (ImagePlus.GRAY8, ImagePlus.GRAY16, ImagePlus.GRAY32, ImagePlus.COLOR_256 or ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB).
getType() - Method in class muehle.player.Player
gibt einen String zurück, der den Typ des Players beschreibt: HumanPlayer, ComputerPlayer, NetServerPlayer oder NetClientPlayer
getUMeans() - Static method in class ij.plugin.filter.Analyzer
Returns an array containing the first 20 uncalibrated means.
getUndoAction() - Method in class muehle.logic.Action
gibt die UndoAction, also die Action zurück, die die Action wieder rückgängig macht.
getUniqueName(String) - Static method in class ij.WindowManager
Returns a unique name by adding, before the extension, -1, -2, etc. as needed.
getUnitIndex(String) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.ImageProperties
getUnitsPerCm(int) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.ImageProperties
getValue(String, String, String) - Static method in class ij.Macro
getValue(String, String, double, int) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.ImageMath
getValue(int) - Static method in class muehle.logic.Position
Gibt der Wert dieser Position für eine einfache Heuristik zurück.
getVehicle() - Method in class robo.navigate.RoboterController
Liefert das vehicle
getVersion() - Static method in class ij.IJ
Returns the ImageJ version number as a string.
getVersion() - Method in class ij.plugin.ControlPanel
getVisiblePanelsCount() - Method in class ij.plugin.ControlPanel
getWarteZeit() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.nachtderwissenschaft.WebCamConfigFactory
getWarteZeit() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.control.WebCamConfigFactory
getWeightingFactors() - Static method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
Returns the three weighting factors used by getPixelValue(), getHistogram() and convertToByte() to do color conversions.
getWeiss() - Static method in class robo.spiel.RoboterInterface
Zu Testzwecken, solange die KI nicht benutzt wird
getWidth() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
getWidth() - Method in class ij.ImageStack
getWidth() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns the width of this image in pixels.
getWidth() - Static method in class org.lego.navigation.img.Webcam
getWindow() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Returns the ImageWindow that is being used to display this image.
getWindow(int) - Method in class ij.plugin.WindowOrganizer
getWindowCount() - Static method in class ij.WindowManager
Returns the number of open image windows.
getWord(StreamTokenizer) - Method in class ij.plugin.PGM_Reader
getX() - Method in interface robo.navigate.IVehicle
Liefet die X-Koordinate des Roboters
getX() - Method in class robo.navigate.VehicleSimulationWithBluetooth
getX() - Method in class robo.navigate.VehicleWithBluetooth
getY() - Method in interface robo.navigate.IVehicle
Liefert die Y-Koordinate des Roboters
getY() - Method in class robo.navigate.VehicleSimulationWithBluetooth
getY() - Method in class robo.navigate.VehicleWithBluetooth
getZAxisProfile(Roi, double, double) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.ZAxisProfiler
GifEncoder - Class in ij.plugin
GifEncoder() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.GifEncoder
GifWriter - Class in ij.plugin
Writes a stack as an animated Gif
GifWriter() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.GifWriter
gLUT1 - Variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
gLUT2 - Variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
gmax - Variable in class ij.process.Cube
gmin - Variable in class ij.process.Cube
GRAY16 - Static variable in class ij.ImagePlus
16-bit grayscale (unsigned)
GRAY32 - Static variable in class ij.ImagePlus
32-bit floating-point grayscale
GRAY8 - Static variable in class ij.ImagePlus
8-bit grayscale (unsigned)
grays(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class ij.plugin.LutLoader
green - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.RGBStackSplitter
These are the three stacks created by the split(ImageStack) method.
GREIFEN - Static variable in class robo.data.Position
Der Roboter schließt am Punkt den Greifarm und fährt anschließend ein Stück zurück.
greiferSpeed - Static variable in class org.lego.libraries.NXT
Geschwindigkeit, mit der der Greifer betätigt wird.
greifeStein() - Static method in class org.lego.libraries.NXT
greift einen Spielstein
greifeStein() - Method in interface robo.navigate.IVehicle
Schließt den Greifer des Roboters
greifeStein() - Method in class robo.navigate.VehicleSimulationWithBluetooth
greifeStein() - Method in class robo.navigate.VehicleWithBluetooth
GROW - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ThresholdToSelection.Outline
gruen - Variable in class org.lego.navigation.control.WebCamConfig
Erkennungsdaten für den grünen Balken am Roboter
gruen - Variable in class org.lego.navigation.misc.RGBPoint