m - Variable in class org.lego.navigation.misc.RegGerade
m - Static variable in class robo.main.RoboMain
Das Mühlespiel.
Macro - Class in ij
The class contains static methods that perform macro operations.
Macro() - Constructor for class ij.Macro
MACRO - Static variable in class ij.plugin.NewPlugin
MACRO_CANCELED - Static variable in class ij.Macro
Macro_Runner - Class in ij.plugin
Opens and runs a macro file.
Macro_Runner() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.Macro_Runner
MacroInstaller - Class in ij.plugin
This plugin implements the Plugins/Macros/Install Macros command.
MacroInstaller() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.MacroInstaller
macroRunning() - Static method in class ij.IJ
Returns true if either of the IJ.run() methods is executing.
mag - Variable in class ij.plugin.ScaleBar
main(String[]) - Static method in class ij.ImageJ
main(String[]) - Static method in class muehle.LernUmgebung
main(String[]) - Static method in class muehle.Muehle
Die ausführbare Methode dieses Mühlespiels.
main(String[]) - Static method in class muehle.MuehleApp
Die ausführbare Methode dieses Mühlespiels.
main(String[]) - Static method in class muehle.MuehleLight
Die ausführbare Methode dieses Mühlespiels.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.lego.navigation.img.DebugGui
main(String[]) - Static method in class robo.log.Log
Enthält Testroutinen
main(String[]) - Static method in class robo.main.RoboMain
Hier wird HauptFenster, NaviView und RoboterController instanziert und Webcam und NXT gestartet
main(String[]) - Static method in class robo.spiel.PovRayKonverter
main(String[]) - Static method in class robo.spiel.RoboterInterface
main(String[]) - Static method in class robo.spiel.Transformation
major - Variable in class ij.process.EllipseFitter
Length of major axis
major - Variable in class ij.process.ImageStatistics
Length of major axis of fitted ellipse
major - Variable in class org.lego.navigation.misc.ResultRow
make16bitEDM(ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.EDM
Calculates a 16-bit grayscale Euclidean Distance Map for a binary 8-bit image.
make8bit(ImageProcessor, ByteProcessor, boolean, float, float, double) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.MaximumFinder
Create an 8-bit image by scaling the pixel values of ip (background 0) and mark maximum areas as 255.
makeBitReverseTable(int) - Method in class ij.process.FHT
makeButtonPanel(GenericDialog) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Calibrator
Creates a panel containing "Save..." and "Save..." buttons.
makeButtonPanel(GenericDialog) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Convolver
Creates a panel containing "Save
makeButtonPanel(SetScaleDialog) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.ScaleDialog
Creates a panel containing an "Unscale" button.
makeConvexHull(ImagePlus, PolygonRoi) - Method in class ij.plugin.Selection
makeCustomLut() - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.ParticleAnalyzer
makeDefaultColorModel() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
makeDownscaleKernel(int) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.GaussianBlur
makeGaussianKernel(double, double, int) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.GaussianBlur
Create a 1-dimensional normalized Gaussian kernel with standard deviation sigma and the running sum over the kernel Note: this is one side of the kernel only, not the full kernel as used by the Convolver class of ImageJ.
makeImage() - Method in class ij.process.MedianCut
makeImageSource() - Method in class ij.plugin.BMPDecoder
makeInverseMap(int[], int) - Method in class ij.process.MedianCut
makeKernel(double) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.RankFilters
Create a circular kernel of a given radius.
makeLine(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ij.IJ
Creates a straight line selection.
makeLine(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class ij.IJ
Creates a straight line selection using double coordinates.
makeMask(ImageProcessor, Rectangle) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Filler
makeMontage(ImagePlus) - Method in class ij.plugin.MontageMaker
makeMontage(ImagePlus, int, int, double, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class ij.plugin.MontageMaker
makeMove(Playground) - Method in class muehle.player.ComputerPlayer
erzeugt das KI-Objekt Minmax und führt diese KI zur Berechnung des besten Zuges iterativ aus.
makeMove(Playground) - Method in class muehle.player.HumanPlayer
Diese Methode stoppt zuerst den laufenden Spiel-Thread, der wieder vom Mouse-Listener im PlayerPanel gestartet, sobald der Benutzer seine Mauseingabe gemacht hat.
makeMove(Playground) - Method in class muehle.player.NetPlayer
Diese Methode wartet, wenn eine Verbindung besteht, auf eine Nachricht des entfernten Computers via TCP und führt den empfangenen Zug aus.
makeMove(Playground) - Method in class muehle.player.Player
führt einen Zug des Spielers aus.
makeMove(Playground) - Method in class muehle.player.RoboterComputerPlayer
überschreibt die Methode des HumanPlayer.
makeMove(Playground) - Method in class muehle.player.RoboterHumanPlayer
überschreibt die Methode des HumanPlayer.
makeMove(Playground) - Method in class muehle.player.WebcamHumanPlayer
makeOval(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ij.IJ
Creates an elliptical selection.
makePolygon(int, double) - Method in class ij.plugin.Slicer
makeRectangle(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ij.IJ
Creates a rectangular selection.
makeRoi(ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.process.EllipseFitter
Generates the xCoordinates, yCoordinates public arrays that can be used to create an ROI.
makeSinCosTables(int) - Method in class ij.process.FHT
makeSurfacePlot(ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.plugin.SurfacePlotter
makeThumbnail(int, int, double) - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
Uses averaging to creates a new ColorProcessor containing a scaled copy of this image or selection.
makeTitle() - Method in class ij.plugin.ZProjector
makeUniqueName(String) - Static method in class ij.WindowManager
If 'name' is not unique, adds -1, -2, etc. as needed to make it unique.
makeUpscaleKernel(int) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.GaussianBlur
Create a kernel for upscaling.
markWidth - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Analyzer
mask - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Filler
mask - Variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
MASKS - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ParticleAnalyzer
masks - Variable in class ij.plugin.LZWEncoder
maskSizeError(ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
mausBewegungsmelder - Variable in class robo.main.NaviView.Fahrbahn
max - Variable in class ij.plugin.ContrastEnhancer
max - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.LutApplier
MAX - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.RankFilters
max - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ThresholdToSelection
max - Variable in class ij.plugin.MemoryMonitor
MAX - Static variable in interface ij.process.Blitter
max(double) - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
max - Variable in class ij.process.FloodFiller
MAX - Static variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
max(double) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Pixels greater than 'value' are set to 'value'.
max - Variable in class ij.process.ImageStatistics
max(double) - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
MAX_AREA - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.MaximumFinder
MAX_DIGITS - Static variable in class ij.plugin.DICOM_Sorter
MAX_LANES - Static variable in class ij.plugin.GelAnalyzer
MAX_MACROS - Static variable in class ij.plugin.MacroInstaller
MAX_METHOD - Static variable in class ij.plugin.ZProjector
MAX_OPEN_RECENT_ITEMS - Static variable in class ij.Menus
MAX_PEAKS - Static variable in class ij.plugin.PlotsCanvas
MAX_POINT - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.MaximumFinder
MAX_SIZE - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ParticleAnalyzer
MAX_SIZE - Static variable in class ij.plugin.MacroInstaller
maxBilderkennungsFehlversuche - Variable in class org.lego.navigation.control.Config
Gibt die Anzahl an, nach denen der Zugriff auf denselben Spielpunkt in der Bilderkennung abgebrochen wird.
maxBilderkennungsFehlversuche - Variable in class org.lego.navigation.control.nachtderwissenschaft.Config
Gibt die Anzahl an, nach denen der Zugriff auf denselben Spielpunkt in der Bilderkennung abgebrochen wird.
maxbits - Variable in class ij.plugin.LZWEncoder
maxBoxSize - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.FractalBoxCounter
maxcode - Variable in class ij.plugin.LZWEncoder
MAXCODE(int) - Method in class ij.plugin.LZWEncoder
MAXCOLORS - Static variable in class ij.process.MedianCut
maxCount - Variable in class ij.process.ImageStatistics
MAXIMUM - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.MaximumFinder
the following constants are used to set bits corresponding to pixel types
MAXIMUM - Static variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
MaximumFinder - Class in ij.plugin.filter
This ImageJ plug-in filter finds the maxima (or minima) of an image.
MaximumFinder() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.filter.MaximumFinder
MaximumFinder.MaxPoint - Class in ij.plugin.filter
Coordinates and the value of a local maximum.
MaximumFinder.MaxPoint(short, short, float) - Constructor for class ij.plugin.filter.MaximumFinder.MaxPoint
a constructor filling in the data
maxmaxcode - Variable in class ij.plugin.LZWEncoder
maxMemory() - Static method in class ij.IJ
Returns the maximum amount of memory available to ImageJ or zero if ImageJ is unable to determine this limit.
maxMemory() - Method in class ij.plugin.Memory
Returns the maximum amount of memory this JVM will attempt to use.
maxMemory - Variable in class ij.plugin.MemoryMonitor
maxStackSize - Variable in class ij.process.FloodFiller
maxThreshold - Variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
maxValue() - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
Returns the largest possible positive finite pixel value.
maxValue() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns the maximum possible pixel value.
maxValue() - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
Returns the maximum possible pixel value.
MEAN - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.RankFilters
mean - Variable in class ij.process.ImageStatistics
meanValue - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Projector
measure() - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Analyzer
measureAngle(Roi) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Analyzer
measured - Variable in class ij.plugin.PlotsCanvas
measureLength(Roi) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Analyzer
MeasurementsWriter - Class in ij.plugin
Writes measurements to a tab-delimited text file.
MeasurementsWriter() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.MeasurementsWriter
measurePoint(Roi) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Analyzer
MEDIAN - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.RankFilters
median(float[]) - Method in class ij.plugin.ZProjector
median - Variable in class ij.process.ImageStatistics
MEDIAN_FILTER - Static variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
MEDIAN_METHOD - Static variable in class ij.plugin.ZProjector
MedianCut - Class in ij.process
Converts an RGB image to 8-bit index color using Heckbert's median-cut color quantization algorithm.
MedianCut(int[], int, int) - Constructor for class ij.process.MedianCut
MedianCut(ColorProcessor) - Constructor for class ij.process.MedianCut
medianFilter() - Method in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
medianFilter() - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
medianFilter() - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
Not implemented.
medianFilter() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
A 3x3 median filter.
medianFilter() - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
Not implemented.
mem - Variable in class ij.plugin.MemoryMonitor
Memory - Class in ij.plugin
This plugin implements the Edit/Options/Memory command.
Memory() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.Memory
MemoryMonitor - Class in ij.plugin
This plugin continuously plots ImageJ's memory utilization.
MemoryMonitor() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.MemoryMonitor
MENU_SIZE - Static variable in class ij.Prefs
menuCommands - Variable in class ij.plugin.ControlPanel
Menus - Class in ij
This class installs and updates ImageJ's menus.
Menus(ImageJ, Applet) - Constructor for class ij.Menus
menus - Variable in class ij.plugin.ControlPanel
mergeStacks() - Method in class ij.plugin.RGBStackMerge
Combines three grayscale stacks into one RGB stack.
mergeStacks(int, int, int, ImageStack, ImageStack, ImageStack, boolean) - Method in class ij.plugin.RGBStackMerge
METER - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ImageProperties
methodList - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Projector
METHODS - Static variable in class ij.plugin.ZProjector
MICROMETER - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ImageProperties
micronSymbol - Static variable in class ij.IJ
MILE - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ImageProperties
MILLIMETER - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ImageProperties
min - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.LutApplier
MIN - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.RankFilters
min - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ThresholdToSelection
MIN - Static variable in interface ij.process.Blitter
min(double) - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
MIN - Static variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
min(double) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Pixels less than 'value' are set to 'value'.
min - Variable in class ij.process.ImageStatistics
min(double) - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
MIN_METHOD - Static variable in class ij.plugin.ZProjector
MIN_SIZE - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ParticleAnalyzer
MINIMUM - Static variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
minor - Variable in class ij.process.EllipseFitter
Length of minor axis
minor - Variable in class ij.process.ImageStatistics
Length of minor axis of fitted ellipse
minor - Variable in class org.lego.navigation.misc.ResultRow
minThreshold - Variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
minValue() - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
Returns the smallest possible positive nonzero pixel value.
minValue() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns the minimum possible pixel value.
miscOptions() - Method in class ij.plugin.Options
mittelpunktX - Variable in class org.lego.navigation.misc.RegGerade
mittelpunktY - Variable in class org.lego.navigation.misc.RegGerade
mode - Variable in class ij.process.ImageStatistics
modifiers(int) - Static method in class ij.ImageJ
Return the current list of modifier keys.
MontageMaker - Class in ij.plugin
Implements the Image/Stacks/Make Montage command.
MontageMaker() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.MontageMaker
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class ij.ImageJ
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.ColorPanel
mouseDownTime - Variable in class ij.plugin.ColorCanvas
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.ColorPanel
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class ij.ImageJ
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.ColorPanel
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class ij.ImageJ
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.ColorPanel
mouseMoved(int, int) - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Displays the cursor coordinates and pixel value in the status bar.
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.ColorPanel
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class ij.ImageJ
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.ColorCanvas
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.ColorPanel
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.PlotsCanvas
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class ij.ImageJ
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.ColorPanel
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.PlotsCanvas
Move - Class in robo.data
Kapselt einen Pfad für den Roboter, der aus mehreren Wegpunkten (Position) besteht.
Move(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class robo.data.Move
Erzeugt einen Move von A nach B, wobei an A zugegriffen und an B losgelassen wird.
Move(LinkedList<Position>) - Constructor for class robo.data.Move
Initialisiert einen Move mit der angegebenen Liste von Positionen (Weder die Liste, noch die Positionen werden kopiert!)
Move(LinkedList<Position>, boolean) - Constructor for class robo.data.Move
Initialisiert einen Move mit der angegebenen Liste von Positionen.
MoveAction - Class in muehle.logic
Diese Klasse implementiert eine Schiebe-Aktion.
MoveAction() - Constructor for class muehle.logic.MoveAction
MoveAction(Player, int, int) - Constructor for class muehle.logic.MoveAction
Der Konstruktor erzeugt die MoveAction entsprechend dem Super-Konstruktor einer allgemeinen Aktion.
moveFinished() - Method in class robo.navigate.RoboterControllerStatusListener
Wird aufgerufen, wenn der aktuelle Move ausführt wurde
moveProposal(Playground, StatusPanel, Heuristic) - Method in class muehle.player.HumanPlayer
moveTo(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Sets the current drawing location.
muehle - package muehle
Muehle - Class in muehle
Die Klasse Mühle ist der Hauptframe dieser Mühle-Implementierung; Er stellt die Benutzeroberfläche dar, von der das Spiel gespielt wird.
Muehle(boolean) - Constructor for class muehle.Muehle
muehle.logic - package muehle.logic
muehle.player - package muehle.player
MuehleApp - Class in muehle
MuehleApp() - Constructor for class muehle.MuehleApp
MuehleLight - Class in muehle
Die Klasse Mühle ist der Hauptframe dieser Mühle-Implementierung; Er stellt die Benutzeroberfläche dar, von der das SPiel gespielt wird.
MuehleLight(boolean) - Constructor for class muehle.MuehleLight
MULT - Static variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
mult(double) - Method in class robo.etc.DPoint
Skalarmultiplikation mit l, liefert Ergebnis zurück
MULTIPLY - Static variable in interface ij.process.Blitter
multiply(FHT) - Method in class ij.process.FHT
Returns the image resulting from the point by point Hartley multiplication of this image and the specified image.
multiply(FHT, boolean) - Method in class ij.process.FHT
multiply(double) - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
multiply(double) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Multiplies each pixel in the image or ROI by 'value'.
multiply(double) - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
multself(double) - Method in class robo.etc.DPoint
Multipliziert sich mit l, nimmt Ergebnis an: this = l*this