d01 - Variable in class org.lego.navigation.control.Config
Spielfeld: Enfernung Initialisierungspunkt 0 (oben links) zu Initialisierungspunkt 1 (Mitte rechts) in cm.
d01 - Variable in class org.lego.navigation.control.nachtderwissenschaft.Config
Spielfeld: Enfernung Initialisierungspunkt 0 (oben links) zu Initialisierungspunkt 1 (Mitte rechts) in cm.
d12 - Variable in class org.lego.navigation.control.Config
Spielfeld: Enfernung Initialisierungspunkt 2 (unten links) zu Initialisierungspunkt 1 (Mitte rechts) in cm.
d12 - Variable in class org.lego.navigation.control.nachtderwissenschaft.Config
Spielfeld: Enfernung Initialisierungspunkt 2 (unten links) zu Initialisierungspunkt 1 (Mitte rechts) in cm.
d20 - Variable in class org.lego.navigation.control.Config
Spielfeld: Enfernung Initialisierungspunkt 0 (oben links) zu Initialisierungspunkt 2 (unten links) in cm.
d20 - Variable in class org.lego.navigation.control.nachtderwissenschaft.Config
Spielfeld: Enfernung Initialisierungspunkt 0 (oben links) zu Initialisierungspunkt 2 (unten links) in cm.
d2s(double) - Static method in class ij.IJ
Converts a number to a formatted string using 2 digits to the right of the decimal point.
d2s(double, int) - Static method in class ij.IJ
Converts a number to a rounded formatted string.
d2s(double) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.CalibrationBar
d2s(double) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Info
darkBlue - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Analyzer
data - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.RollingBall
debug() - Method in class ij.plugin.PlotsCanvas
DebugGui - Class in org.lego.navigation.img
DebugGui() - Constructor for class org.lego.navigation.img.DebugGui
debugImg() - Method in class org.lego.navigation.img.ScanNeu
gibt das aktuell gespeicherte Bild zurück.
debugImg(int) - Method in class org.lego.navigation.img.ScanNeu
Gibt die HSV-Ebenen einzeln als Graustufen-Bild zurück.
debugInfo - Variable in class robo.navigate.Navigator
Enthält diverse Debuginformationen
debugMode - Static variable in class ij.IJ
decimalPlaces - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.CalibrationBar
decimalPlacesChanged - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.CalibrationBar
decodeKernel(String) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Convolver
decodeSquareKernel(String) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Convolver
decrementInitStones() - Method in class muehle.player.Player
erniedrigt die Steinanzahl der zu setzenden Spielsteine des Players um 1
decrementStones() - Method in class muehle.player.Player
erniedrigt die Anzahl der Spielsteine des Players, die sich auf dem Spielfeld befinden, um 1
DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ParticleAnalyzer
DEFAULT_MIN_SIZE - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ParticleAnalyzer
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class ij.ImageJ
Address of socket where Image accepts commands
DEFAULT_QUALITY - Static variable in class ij.plugin.JpegWriter
defaultBarHeight - Static variable in class ij.plugin.ScaleBar
defaultColorModel - Static variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
defaultFontSize - Static variable in class ij.plugin.ScaleBar
defaultLocation - Variable in class ij.plugin.TreePanel
defaultNBins - Variable in class ij.plugin.Distribution
defaultRange - Variable in class ij.plugin.Distribution
degreeSymbol - Static variable in class ij.IJ
delay - Variable in class ij.plugin.GifEncoder
DeleteAction - Class in muehle.logic
Diese Klasse implementiert eine Schmeiss-Aktion.
DeleteAction(Player, int) - Constructor for class muehle.logic.DeleteAction
Der Konstruktor erzeugt die DeleteAction entsprechend dem Suepr-Konstruktor einer allgemeinen Aktion.
DeleteAction() - Constructor for class muehle.logic.DeleteAction
deleteDuplicates() - Method in class ij.plugin.ClassChecker
deleteEdgeParticles(ByteProcessor, ByteProcessor) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.MaximumFinder
delete particles corresponding to edge maxima
deleteLastSlice() - Method in class ij.ImageStack
Deletes the last slice in the stack.
deleteLastSlice() - Method in class ij.VirtualStack
Deletes the last slice in the stack.
deleteParticle(int, int, ByteProcessor, Wand) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.MaximumFinder
delete a particle (set from value 255 to current fill value).
deletePlugin(String) - Method in class ij.plugin.Hotkeys
deleteSlice(int) - Method in class ij.ImageStack
Deletes the specified slice, were 1<=n<=nslices.
deleteSlice() - Method in class ij.plugin.StackEditor
deleteSlice(int) - Method in class ij.VirtualStack
Deletes the specified slice, were 1<=n<=nslices.
deleteStone(Playground) - Method in class muehle.player.ComputerPlayer
veranlasst den Computerplayer zum Schmeissen eines Gegnersteines.
deleteStone(Playground) - Method in class muehle.player.HumanPlayer
Diese Methode veranlasst den Menschplayer zum Schmeissen eines Gegnersteines.
deleteStone(Playground) - Method in class muehle.player.NetPlayer
wartet, wenn eine Verbindung besteht, auf eine Nachricht des entfernten Computers via TCP und führt den empfangenen Schmeiss-Zug aus.
deleteStone(Playground) - Method in class muehle.player.Player
führt einen Schmeiss-Zug des Spielers aus.
deleteStone(Playground) - Method in class muehle.player.RoboterComputerPlayer
Führt einen Schmeiss-Zug aus.
deleteStone(Playground) - Method in class muehle.player.RoboterHumanPlayer
Führt einen Schmeiss-Zug aus.
deleteStone(Playground) - Method in class muehle.player.WebcamHumanPlayer
Diese Methode veranlasst den Menschplayer zum Schmeissen eines Gegnersteines.
deltaAbstandGR - Variable in class org.lego.navigation.img.Bilderkennung
deltaFlaeche - Variable in class org.lego.navigation.img.Ellipse
deltaMajor - Variable in class org.lego.navigation.img.Ellipse
deltaMinor - Variable in class org.lego.navigation.img.Ellipse
deltaPhi - Variable in class robo.navigate.Navigator.DebugInfo
deltaV - Variable in class robo.navigate.Navigator.SpeedCondensator
deltaWinkel - Variable in class org.lego.navigation.img.Bilderkennung
depthToThink - Variable in class muehle.player.ComputerPlayer
DESPECKLE - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.RankFilters
destination - Variable in class muehle.logic.Action
Ziel der Aktion
destination - Variable in class muehle.player.NetPlayer
speichert das Ziel
destroy() - Method in class ij.ImageJApplet
destroy() - Method in class muehle.MuehleApp
dfht3(float[], int, boolean, int) - Method in class ij.process.FHT
Performs an optimized 1D FHT.
dialogItemChanged(GenericDialog, AWTEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Convolver
dialogItemChanged(GenericDialog, AWTEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.GaussianBlur
Listener to modifications of the input fields of the dialog
dialogItemChanged(GenericDialog, AWTEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.MaximumFinder
Read the parameters (during preview or after showing the dialog)
dialogItemChanged(GenericDialog, AWTEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilterRunner
The listener to any change in the dialog.
dialogItemChanged(GenericDialog, AWTEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.RankFilters
dialogItemChanged(GenericDialog, AWTEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Rotator
dialogItemChanged(GenericDialog, AWTEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.UnsharpMask
dialogItemChanged(GenericDialog, AWTEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.SpecifyROI
dicmFound() - Method in class ij.plugin.DicomDecoder
DICOM - Class in ij.plugin
This plugin decodes DICOM files.
DICOM() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.DICOM
Default constructor.
DICOM(InputStream) - Constructor for class ij.plugin.DICOM
Constructs a DICOM reader that using an InputStream.
DICOM(BufferedInputStream) - Constructor for class ij.plugin.DICOM
Constructs a DICOM reader that using an BufferredInputStream.
DICOM_Sorter - Class in ij.plugin
DICOM_Sorter() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.DICOM_Sorter
DicomDecoder - Class in ij.plugin
DicomDecoder(String, String) - Constructor for class ij.plugin.DicomDecoder
DicomDictionary - Class in ij.plugin
DicomDictionary() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.DicomDictionary
dict - Variable in class ij.plugin.DicomDictionary
diff - Variable in class org.lego.navigation.control.Config
Maximale Abweichung des Farbtons für die Bilderkennung
diff - Variable in class org.lego.navigation.control.nachtderwissenschaft.Config
Maximale Abweichung des Farbtons f?r die Bilderkennung
DIFFERENCE - Static variable in interface ij.process.Blitter
diffX - Variable in class robo.navigate.Navigator.DebugInfo
diffY - Variable in class robo.navigate.Navigator.DebugInfo
dilate(ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Binary
DILATE - Static variable in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
dilate() - Method in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
dilate(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
dilate() - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
dilate() - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
Not implemented.
dilate() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Dilates the image or ROI using a 3x3 minimum filter.
dilate() - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
Not implemented.
dir - Variable in class robo.spiel.WebcamInterface.Differenz
wurde ein Stein gesetzt, oder weggenommen?
DIR_IMAGE - Static variable in class ij.Prefs
directory - Variable in class ij.plugin.TextReader
dirOffset - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.MaximumFinder
dirXoffset - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.MaximumFinder
dirYoffset - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.MaximumFinder
disableUndo - Static variable in class ij.Prefs
Disable Edit/Undo command.
disconnect() - Method in class muehle.player.NetClientPlayer
beendet die Verbindung.
disconnect() - Method in class muehle.player.NetPlayer
beendet die Verbindung.
disconnect() - Method in class muehle.player.NetServerPlayer
beendet die Verbindung.
disconnect() - Method in class muehle.player.Player
Verbindungsabbau beim Netzwerkspiel Wird von den Net-Playern überschrieben
DISPLAY_SUMMARY - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ParticleAnalyzer
Display a summary.
displayComplex - Static variable in class ij.plugin.FFT
displayCounts(int) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.FractalBoxCounter
displayFFT - Static variable in class ij.plugin.FFT
displayFHT - Static variable in class ij.plugin.FFT
displayMacImage(Transferable) - Method in class ij.plugin.Clipboard
displayPercentages() - Method in class ij.plugin.PlotsCanvas
displayRawPS - Static variable in class ij.plugin.FFT
displayResults() - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Analyzer
Writes the last row in the results table to the ImageJ window.
displaySummary - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ParticleAnalyzer
dispose - Variable in class ij.plugin.GifEncoder
Distribution - Class in ij.plugin
This plugin implements the Analyze/Distribution command.
Distribution() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.Distribution
DIV_BY_ZERO_VALUE - Static variable in class ij.Prefs
DIVIDE - Static variable in interface ij.process.Blitter
divide(FHT) - Method in class ij.process.FHT
Returns the image resulting from the point by point Hartley division of this image by the specified image.
divideByZeroValue - Static variable in class ij.process.FloatBlitter
dmode - Variable in class ij.process.ImageStatistics
doBoxCounts(ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.FractalBoxCounter
doCalculations(ImagePlus, int, double, double) - Method in class ij.process.StackStatistics
doCommand(String) - Static method in class ij.IJ
Starts executing a menu command in a separete thread and returns immediately.
doCommand(String) - Method in class ij.ImageJ
Starts executing a menu command in a separate thread.
doComplexInverseTransform() - Method in class ij.plugin.FFT
doCurveFitting(double[], double[], int) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Calibrator
DOES_16 - Static variable in interface ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter
Set this flag if the filter handles 16-bit images.
DOES_32 - Static variable in interface ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter
Set this flag if the filter handles float images.
DOES_8C - Static variable in interface ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter
Set this flag if the filter handles 8-bit indexed color images.
DOES_8G - Static variable in interface ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter
Set this flag if the filter handles 8-bit grayscale images.
DOES_ALL - Static variable in interface ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter
Set this flag if the filter handles all types of images.
DOES_RGB - Static variable in interface ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter
Set this flag if the filter handles RGB images.
DOES_STACKS - Static variable in interface ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter
Set this flag if the filter wants its run() method to be called for all the slices in a stack.
doFHTInverseTransform() - Method in class ij.plugin.FFT
doFiltering(FloatProcessor, int, int[], int, int, float) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.RankFilters
Filter a FloatProcessor according to filterType
doForewardTransform(FHT) - Method in class ij.plugin.FFT
doFullDump() - Method in class ij.plugin.JavaProperties
doInverseTransform(FHT) - Method in class ij.plugin.FFT
doInverseTransform(FHT, ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.FFTCustomFilter
doIrregularSetup(Roi) - Method in class ij.plugin.Slicer
doMasking(FHT) - Method in class ij.plugin.FFT
doMath(ImagePlus, ImagePlus) - Method in class ij.plugin.FFTMath
doMedianProjection() - Method in class ij.plugin.ZProjector
doMove(Move) - Method in class robo.navigate.RoboterController
Führt einen Move aus.
doMove(Action) - Static method in class robo.spiel.RoboterInterface
Führt eine Action auf dem Spielbrett aus.
DONE - Static variable in interface ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter
Set this flag if the filter does not want its run method called.
done - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Projector
doOneProjectionX(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Projector
This method projects each pixel of a volume (stack of slices) onto a plane as the volume rotates about the x-axis.
doOneProjectionY(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Projector
Projects each pixel of a volume (stack of slices) onto a plane as the volume rotates about the y-axis.
doOneProjectionZ(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Projector
Projects each pixel of a volume (stack of slices) onto a plane as the volume rotates about the z-axis.
doOperation(ImagePlus, ImagePlus) - Method in class ij.plugin.ImageCalculator
doOptions() - Method in class ij.plugin.Animator
doOptions() - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Profiler
doProjection() - Method in class ij.plugin.ZProjector
Performs actual projection using specified method.
doProjections(ImagePlus) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Projector
doRGBProjection() - Method in class ij.plugin.ZProjector
doRGBProjections(ImagePlus) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Projector
doScaling - Variable in class ij.process.TypeConverter
dosenVerzerrung - Variable in class org.lego.navigation.control.WebCamConfig
Gibt an, um wieviel die Dosen verzerrt werden.
doSetDialog() - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Analyzer
doStackOperation(ImagePlus, ImagePlus) - Method in class ij.plugin.ImageCalculator
img1 = img2 op img2 (e.g. img1 = img2/img1)
doubleBuffer - Static variable in class ij.Prefs
Double buffer display of selections.
doWand(int, int) - Static method in class ij.IJ
Equivalent to clicking on the current image at (x,y) with the wand tool.
downscaleLine(float[], float[], float[], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.GaussianBlur
Scale a line (row or column of a FloatProcessor or part thereof) down by a factor reduceBy and write the result into cache.
DPoint - Class in org.lego.navigation.misc
DPoint() - Constructor for class org.lego.navigation.misc.DPoint
DPoint(double, double) - Constructor for class org.lego.navigation.misc.DPoint
DPoint - Class in robo.etc
Kapselt einen Punkt mit Doublekoordinaten (2d-Vektor), für den einige grundlegende Rechenoperationen implementiert sind (Addieren, Skalarmulitplizieren)
DPoint() - Constructor for class robo.etc.DPoint
Standard-Konstruktor, initialisiert auf (0,0)
DPoint(double, double) - Constructor for class robo.etc.DPoint
Initialisiert mit den angegebenen Koordinaten
DragAndDrop - Class in ij.plugin
This class opens images, roi's, luts and text files dragged and dropped on the "ImageJ" window.
DragAndDrop() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.DragAndDrop
dragEnter(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.DragAndDrop
dragExit(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.DragAndDrop
dragOver(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.DragAndDrop
draw() - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Draws the image.
draw(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.ImagePlus
Draws image and roi outline using a clip rect.
draw(ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Filler
drawAndLabelAxis(ImageProcessor, ImageProcessor, Rectangle) - Method in class ij.plugin.SurfacePlotter
drawAxis(ImageProcessor, int, int, int, int, String, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.plugin.SurfacePlotter
drawBorder(ImageProcessor, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.plugin.MontageMaker
drawColor(int, int, Color) - Method in class ij.plugin.ColorGenerator
drawColorBar(Graphics, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.LookUpTable
drawColorBar(ImageProcessor, int, int) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.CalibrationBar
drawColorBar(ImagePlus, int, int) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.CalibrationBar
drawColors(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.plugin.ColorGenerator
drawDot(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Draws a dot using the current line width and fill/draw value.
drawDot2(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
drawEllipse(ImageProcessor, ImageStatistics, int) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.ParticleAnalyzer
drawEllipse(ImagePlus) - Method in class ij.plugin.Selection
drawEllipse(ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.process.EllipseFitter
Draws the ellipse on the specified image.
drawEllipse(ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.process.ImageStatistics
drawFilledParticle(ImageProcessor, Roi, ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.ParticleAnalyzer
drawGridLines(int) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Rotator
drawingColor - Variable in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
drawLabel(PlotWindow, String) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Calibrator
drawLabel(ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Filler
drawLabel(ImagePlus, ImageProcessor, int, Rectangle) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Filler
drawLabel(ImageProcessor, int, String, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.plugin.MontageMaker
drawLine(double, double, double, double, ImagePlus) - Method in class ij.plugin.Slicer
drawLine(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Draws a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2).
drawOutline(ImageProcessor, Roi, int) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.ParticleAnalyzer
drawOval(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Draws an elliptical shape.
drawParticle(ImageProcessor, Roi, ImageStatistics, ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.ParticleAnalyzer
Draws a selected particle in a separate image.
drawParticleLabels(ImageProcessor) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Filler
drawPixel(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
Draws a pixel in the current foreground color.
drawPixel(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
Draws a pixel in the current foreground color.
drawPixel(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
Draws a pixel in the current foreground color.
drawPixel(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Sets the pixel at (x,y) to the current fill/draw value.
drawPixel(int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
Draws a pixel in the current foreground color.
drawPolygon(Polygon) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Draws a polygon.
drawRamp() - Method in class ij.plugin.ColorGenerator
drawRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Draws a rectangle.
drawRoi() - Method in class ij.plugin.SpecifyROI
drawScaleBar(ImagePlus) - Method in class ij.plugin.ScaleBar
drawSpectrum(double) - Method in class ij.plugin.ColorGenerator
drawSpur - Variable in class robo.main.NaviView.NVFahrbahnKontrollfeld
drawString(ImageProcessor, String, int) - Method in class ij.plugin.SurfacePlotter
drawString(String) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Draws a string at the current location using the current fill/draw value.
drawString(String, int, int) - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Draws a string at the specified location using the current fill/draw value.
drawText(ImageProcessor, int, int, boolean) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.CalibrationBar
drawUnscaledColorBar(ImageProcessor, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ij.LookUpTable
drop(DropTargetDropEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.DragAndDrop
drop - Variable in class muehle.player.NetPlayer
speichert den Drop
dropActionChanged(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class ij.plugin.DragAndDrop
duplicate(ImagePlus) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Duplicater
duplicate() - Method in class ij.process.ByteProcessor
Returns a duplicate of this image.
duplicate() - Method in class ij.process.ColorProcessor
Returns a duplicate of this image.
duplicate() - Method in class ij.process.FloatProcessor
Returns a duplicate of this image.
duplicate() - Method in class ij.process.ImageProcessor
Returns a duplicate of this image.
duplicate() - Method in class ij.process.ShortProcessor
Returns a duplicate of this image.
duplicatePixelWidth - Variable in class ij.plugin.filter.ImageProperties
Duplicater - Class in ij.plugin.filter
This plugin implements ImageJ's Image/Duplicate command.
Duplicater() - Constructor for class ij.plugin.filter.Duplicater
duplicateStack - Static variable in class ij.plugin.filter.Duplicater
duplicateStack(ImagePlus, String) - Method in class ij.plugin.filter.Duplicater
duplicateStack(ImagePlus) - Method in class ij.plugin.ImageCalculator